
Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Jon Stewart Gives A Shout Out To Our Troops After Returning From A USO Tour

Comedian Jon Stewart just returned from a USO tour in Afghanistan, and he had a few things to say about it. Note the reaction of his audience. America may be less divided than we think.

Stewart, by the way, deserves a lot of credit for going. There's a large segment of the entertainment industry that can't be bothered.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing this. It's always gratifying to see "love of country" given a shout-out by hip, progressives like Stewart.

  2. Dare I be cynical? Were Obama not Commander in Chief; were this not "Obama's war" instead of some other president's war, would Mr. Steward have invested similar time and the energy?

  3. Well, I suppose you can Steve. For my part, I think it was simply a decent and comendable thing to do.

    Al Franken did the same thing in Iraq while Bush was president on several tours, bringing our troops a comedy act during some very dicey times, and I likewise highlighted it.And you know I don't agree with his politics!

    People are not all of a piece and I try to work with the decent part of people and oppose the indecent.

