
Friday, September 23, 2011

Abbas Accuses Israel of 'Ethnic Cleansing' Says Will Never Recognize A Jewish State

'Palestinian' capo del tutti capo Mahmoud Abbas made an incendiary speech at the UN today that channeled his old boss Yasser Arafat, announcing his formal request to create a 23rd Arab state.

He accused Israel of using 'ethnic cleansing' while in the same speech announcing proudly that 'Palestine' would never recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

He also touted the reconciliation agreement with Hamas, and made a number of references to democracy and the rule of law...ludicrous coming from an unelected dictator whose terms expired almost three years ago.

The 'Palestinians' have already announced repeatedly that they will not permit a single Jew to live in their new reichlet, nor will they allow refugees living in camps in 'Palestine' to become citizens.

To put it bluntly, the UN has the opportunity to vote on whether they're going to permit an apartheid racist entity that supports terrorism to be part of the UN, and break two international treaties they signed while doing so.

In his own remarks,Israeli PM Netanyahu had it exactly right in his own speech at the UN when he said that Abbas and the 'Palestinians' want a state without peace. Or as I would have put it myself, they want Israeli territorial and strategic concessions and the right to continue the conflict.

Netanyahu actually made a decent speech, garnering applause when he once again challenged Abbas to meet with him for negotiations 'here today, at the UN" without pre-conditions.

That's not part of the 'Palestinian' agenda. As Abbas made clear in his speech, they're only interested in 'negotiations' after all their demands are met beforehand..when there's nothing really left to negotiate.

Abbas has already submitted a letter to the UN Security Council asking for full membership. Will the UN fulfill it's original mission, or will it simply vote to appease the Muslim bloc and the 'Palestinians'? We'll see.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Actually, I don't believe the UN's "original position" had much other to do than strengthen US hegemony over the world, if you consider the disproportionate power of the SC and conditions extant at the time and who had decisive power to construct it. Of course that favored Israel at the time, less so than today, but still dominantly.

  2. Here's the text of the speech:

    The comment "We shall not recognize a Jewish state" was not part of that speech. In the speech, he said, "I am here to say on behalf of the Palestinian people and the Palestine Liberation Organization: We extend our hands to the Israeli government and the Israeli people for peace-making. I say to them: Let us urgently build together a future for our children where they can enjoy freedom, security and prosperity."

    Can you explain for your readers the distinction Abbas is making between Israel and a "Jewish state"?

  3. I put up a lengthy piece of your post with some editorializing. It is part of my inaugural "Sabbath Round-Up"

    Sabbath Round-Up

    I would've written you but your email keeps disappearing from my drop down list and I couldn't find your email from yesterday.

    In that post you'll find a video that Vlad Tepes did; he'd like as many people as possible to post it.

    You'll see why.

    Please drop me another email so I can grab yours again.


  4. Anonymous, it's been quite some time since I had anyone seriously suggest the UN favors Israel.

    A unique perspective on your part, to say the least.

  5. Zachriel,
    He Disn't have to mention his refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish State in his speech, since his position is well known:

    The fact that he also touts Fatah's agreement with Hamas, a genocidal organization also ought to give any reasonable a person a clue as to what's actually going on here.

    I don't think I need to explain it to most of my readers, but obviously you feel the need of an explanation. This is Abbas' way of trying to get what he wants without ending the conflict, and leaving the way open to further demands. It's also why he and other representatives of the 'Palestinians' have said explicitly that no Jews will be allowed to live in 'Palestine' and that refugees will not be permitted 'Palestinian ' citizenship, so they can continue to be cynically used to prolong the conflict.

    I'm already well aware of your feelings on this issue. If you wish to support the creation of an apartheid, racist reichlet that supports terrorism and is openly violating the agreements it made, fine by me.

    Just own it.

    Certainly I see no point in discussing it further.



  6. Rob: Certainly I see no point in discussing it further.

    You didn't answer the simple question.

    Can you explain for your readers the distinction Abbas is making between Israel and a "Jewish state"?

  7. Oh, I think I did Zachriel, and I think anyone reading this understands it quite well.Since you seem not to get this ( either honestly or willfully)I'll spell it out for you even more directly:

    1) Abbas is allied with Hamas, and makes direct reference to that is his putrid, factually challenged little screed to the UN.

    2)The PLO logo shows only ONE state encompassing all of Judea and Samaria and what is now Israel.

    3) Abbas and others in the PA have made it clear that not a single Jew will be permitted in 'Palestine'.

    4) The 'Palestinian' mosques,media and schools all trumpet the same line about how what is now Israel is 'occupied' and will be liberated, and use maps showing one state of 'Palestine' without Israel being present.

    If this doesn't clear things up for you, here's an even more direct answer to your question. Abbas makes no distinction between Israel and a Jewish state, no matter what he says. And despite the sort of tripe he delivers in English to 'Palestine' groupies, he has no intention of making peace and never did.

  8. Rob: Oh, I think I did Zachriel, and I think anyone reading this understands it quite well.

    Those predisposed to your point of view, perhaps.

    Rob: Abbas makes no distinction between Israel and a Jewish state, no matter what he says.

    But he did make a distinction. Abbas said the Palestinians can make peace with Israel as a secular state. He rejects a "Jewish state", that is, one that is founded for the benefit of a single religious group, but one that currently encompasses more than a million non-Jews. Now, you may think that history mandates a Jewish state as a safeguard for the Jewish people, or that Palestinians are hypocritical on this point, but you have simply ignored the distinction that many Palestinians consider important.

    Peace will come—but not as long as both sides refuse to acknowledge the grievances of the other side.

  9. In two words, horse manure.

    If Abbas was that interested in making peace with a secular state, why has he made a point of saying that Jews - and only Jews - will not be allowed in Palestine?

    Why is he allied with Hamas? Why the PLO logo showing all of Israel under 'Palestinian sovereignty and why the constant drumbeat to 'liberate' what's now Israel in the Pal mosques, schools and media?

    Why is child murderer Samir Quntar an Honorary 'Palestinian' citizen, and why did Abbas personally fete him when he was released for the tortured bodies of two Israeli soldiers Hezbollah kidnapped? Why does the PA pay salaries to terrorist murderers convicted in Israeli civil courts of attacks on Israeli civilians, and why does Abbas refer to them as 'holy martyrs' and want them freed?

    As for the 'Palestinians', the majority obviously make no distinction between Jews and Israel,since over 70% of them voted for Hamas the last time they were allowed to have elections.

    You're welcome to believe whatever nonsense you wish to from Abbas about 'Palestinian' intentions. The facts say different.

    As I said before, if you wish to support an apartheid, racist state that is supports terrorism, and de facto endorses Hamas' genocidal agenda, feel free.

    But don't expect to sell it to me or anyone else with common sense as 'peace'.

    BTW, it's interesting that you paraphrase ( without attribution) President Obama's little homily at the UN. Abbas and the 'Palestinians' have no intention of acknowledging the concerns or grievances of Israel, and they prove it every day.

  10. Rob: You're welcome to believe whatever nonsense you wish to from Abbas about 'Palestinian' intentions. The facts say different.

    There are many problems and contradictions with the Palestinian position that stand in the way of peace, but by eliding the important distinction being made between Israel and a "Jewish state" you misrepresent the point of contention, which then precludes understanding or resolution of the dispute.

    It suffices that the point has been made. Anyone can read Abbas' speech to the U.N. here:

    "I am here to say on behalf of the Palestinian people and the Palestine Liberation Organization: We extend our hands to the Israeli government and the Israeli people for peace-making. I say to them: Let us urgently build together a future for our children where they can enjoy freedom, security and prosperity."

  11. None of which answers a single one of the points I made and simply underscores that you're willing to believe whatever you want to if it fits with your agenda.

    Because you can't answer them.

    Israel and 'Jews' mean exactly the same thing to Abbas and the vast majority of Palestinians.

    Abbas' idea of 'negotiations' involves a precondition of Israel agreeing to all of their demands in advance. Ain't gonna happen, and Abbas knows it.

    If you're so trusting an d enamored of Abbas and the 'Palestinans' you're quite welcome to let them move next door to you. The Israelis bought that nonsense once, and since they're not suicidal, I doubt they're going to do it again.

    As I said before, this is a waste of time on both our parts. If you're salivating over the prospect of a terrorist supporting Jew-free little reichlet, have at it.

  12. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Lieberman and a majority of polled Israelis want all Pals deported too and I'm sure if it could be gotten away with it would be done.

  13. BS, Anonymous.

    There's actually nothing stopping them from doing it tomorrow if they chose.

    What some Israelis have actually said is that if 'Palestinians' are going to insist on a Jew free reichlet, which means Israel would have to deal with 500,000 Jewish refugees, it's only fair that there's a population swap.

    That's especially true since a lot of Arabs living in Israel have chosen not to take out Israeli citizenship.

    The difference is that the 'Pals' want it as policy regardless, whereas those Israelis that favor this want it done as part of a negotiated settlement.
