
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ann Coulter Endorses Romney

Ann Coulter makes the case for Mitt Romney, with her usual eloquence. Here's a slice:

So now, apparently, we have to go through the cycle of the media pushing Newt Gingrich. This is going to be fantastic.

In addition to having an affair in the middle of Clinton's impeachment; apologizing to Jesse Jackson on behalf of J.C. Watts -- one of two black Republicans then in Congress –- for having criticized "poverty pimps," and then inviting Jackson to a State of the Union address; cutting a global warming commercial with Nancy Pelosi; supporting George Soros' candidate Dede Scozzafava in a congressional special election; appearing in public with the Rev. Al Sharpton to promote nonspecific education reform; and calling Paul Ryan's plan to save Social Security "right-wing social engineering," we found out this week that Gingrich was a recipient of Freddie Mac political money.

(Even I will admit, however, that Newt was great when he was chairman of GOPAC back in the '90s with Gay Gaines at the helm.)

Although Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- the institutions most responsible for the nation's current financial crisis -- were almost entirely Democratic cash cows, they managed to dirty up enough Republicans to make it seem like bipartisan corruption.

Democrats sucked hundreds of millions of dollars out of these institutions: Franklin Raines, $90 million; Jamie Gorelick, $26.4 million; Jim Johnson, $20 million.

By contrast, Republicans came cheap. For the amazingly good price of only $300,000 apiece, Fannie and Freddie bought the good will of former Reps. Vin Weber, R-Minn., Susan Molinari, R-N.Y., and Newt Gingrich, R-Ga.* Former Sen. Alfonse D'Amato, R-N.Y., was even cheaper at $240,000.

[*Correction: After Gingrich admitted last week to receiving $300,000 from Freddie, we found out this week that it was actually closer to $1.6 million.]

So now conservatives shy away from denouncing these crooked organizations for fear of running into Vin Weber at a cocktail party.

Sorry, guys -- on the plus side, you're millionaires, but on the downside, you've earned the contempt of your fellow man.

The mainstream media keep pushing alternatives to Mitt Romney not only because they are terrified of running against him, but also because they want to keep Republicans fighting, allowing Democrats to get a four-month jump on us.

Meanwhile, everyone knows the nominee is going to be Romney.

That's not so bad if you think the most important issues in this election are defeating Obama and repealing Obamacare.

There may be better ways to stop Obamacare than Romney, but, unfortunately, they're not available right now. (And, by the way, where were you conservative purists when Republicans were nominating Waterboarding-Is-Torture-Jerry-Falwell-Is-an-Agent-of-Intolerance-My-Good-Friend-Teddy-Kennedy-Amnesty-for-Illegals John McCain-Feingold for president?)

Among Romney's positives is the fact that he has a demonstrated ability to trick liberals into voting for him. He was elected governor of Massachusetts -- one of the most liberal states in the union -- by appealing to Democrats, independents and suburban women.

He came close to stopping the greatest calamity to befall this nation since Pearl Harbor by nearly beating Teddy Kennedy in a Senate race. (That is when he said a lot of the things about which he's since "changed his mind.") If he had won, we'd be carving his image on Mount Rushmore.

He is not part of the Washington establishment, so he won't be caught taking money from Freddie Mac or cutting commercials with Nancy Pelosi.

Also, Romney will be the first Republican presidential nominee since Ronald Reagan who can talk. Liberals are going to have to dust off their playbook from 30 years ago to figure out how to run against a Republican who isn't a tongue-tied marble-mouth.

Read the rest here.

What Ann Coulter is doing is applying Reagan's rule - you vote for the most conservative candidate that can get elected. It makes a great deal of sense.Or, as th e old song says, you can't always get what you want,but if you try real hard, sometimes you get what you need.

Another problem with Newt Gingrich La Coulter could have mentioned but didn't is his close relationship with closet GOP Islamist Grover Norquist. That alone should give pause to anyone considering jumping on the Gingrich bandwagon.


please helps me write more gooder!


  1. I've gone back and forth on Romney but the polls have been consistent: he does the best against Obama. Nothing else matters. So I've begun shifting my support accordingly. It doesn't make me happy, but the only thing will make me truly happy will be hearing Obama's concession speech in the early morning hours of Nov 7, 2012.

  2. louielouie2:25 PM

    romney is hussein without the hatred for america.

    Also, Romney will be the first Republican presidential nominee since Ronald Reagan who can talk.

    and if elected, would be the first republican president since reagan not named bush.

  3. louielouie2:43 PM

    Among Romney's positives is the fact that he has a demonstrated ability to trick liberals into voting for him. He was elected governor of Massachusetts -- one of the most liberal states in the union -- by appealing to Democrats, independents and suburban women.

    yes, is true.
    but as in politics, that could also be interpreted as he got just enough republicans to vote for him, along with all those liberals.

    didn't follow the link as i am not a fan of ann, but did not see any mention of romneycare.

  4. Hi Louie,
    As you know, I wanted to see Sarah Palin in the race. She would have been awesome.

    I'm afraid we don't agree that Romney is Obama without the America hatred. He has a ton of executive experience, has solid thoughts ( and A-list conservative advisers) on trade, energy and foreign policy, and has said unequivocally that he would revoke ObamaCare. And he is articulate, if a bit scripted. To compare him toO bama is night and day.

    It's vital Obama be defeated. Romney isn't my perfect candidate but I think he's the best person running right now who has a chance of getting elected.

    Yo, Scott !

    Actually, what I'm looking forward to is seeing President Obama do the perp walk as he's impeached/arrested..but I'll settle for the concession speech.


  5. Coulter wasn't being fair to McCain. He never to my knowledge ever claimed Kennedy was his "good friend". Kennedy was, said McCain "my BELOVED friend Senator Kennedy". Quite a difference.

  6. He also referred to him a few times as 'the lion of the Senate'.

    Hey,one hand washes the other with these guys.

    BTW, I take it you saw my comment on Newt over at your place yesterday..

