
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Attorney Claims Cain's Comments Violated Deal, Allows Accuser To Go Public

The other shoe appears ready to drop on the Herman Cain sexual harassment story.

The attorney for one of the women who accused Herman Cain of sexual harassment said his client is considering going public with full details, since they feel Cain violated the confidentiality agreement that was part of the original settlement:

Attorney Joel Bennett told CBS’s "The Early Show" on Wednesday that his client hasn’t spoken publicly because of the confidentiality agreement, but that Cain’s comments might have cleared a path.

“There was more than one incident that my client received sexual harassment,” Bennett said. “She would like to speak out for the record, only because Mr. Cain has stated that he didn’t sexually harass anyone, that there wasn’t any substance to the allegations, and basically made it look like she was some type of frivolous claimant looking for money.”

According to Bennett, one of the stipulations of the confidentiality agreement was that neither party could make disparaging remarks about the other. Bennett said Cain violated that agreement on Fox News on Monday when he said that he had been told that the accuser’s performance in the workplace “was not up to par.”

“I think she’s upset about his statements and would like the record to be balanced and clear,” Bennett said.

The New York Times reported Wednesday that Cain’s other accuser received a full year’s salary, worth between $35,000 and $40,000, as a part of her severance package.

A couple of things here. Note that the attorney refers specifically to a confidentiality between the two parties,. Unless the attorneyis lying, that has to mean that it involved Cain and his accuser, since the National Restaurant Association who paid out the settlement did not make any comments. And if Cain was directly involved as a signatory in the confidentiality agreement, then he was a lot more aware of all this than he has let on.

Even as late as Monday morning Cain was claiming that he was “unaware of any sort of settlement” stemming from harassment charges...and then changed his story later on that day, admitting to being aware of a “termination settlement” but denied any instance of sexual harassment, while offering details he seems to now recall about one incident. Again, if he was an actual signatory to the agreement, he was not being totally candid.

Another point worth calling your attention to is the size of the settlement, if Pravda-on-the-Hudson is correct, always a 50-50 shot. Cain referred to the settlements as equivalent to a 'normal termination settlement'. As I mentioned before, given that just preliminaries with the EEOC can cost $10-15,000 in attorney fees, throwing a few months salary at someone who brings a nuisance value complain to make them go away is a fairly common tactic in corporate America. Settling for a full year's salary is not - unless the complaint had some legs.

Let me be crystal clear. Whether or not Herman Cain committed some kind of sexual harassment ( after all, the Leftist media that is driving this story likely voted for Bill Clinton twice!) but how poorly Cain has handled this.

The attacks are definitely racially motivated and designed to punish a black conservative for straying off the Democrat plantation But unfortunately, with the way Herman Cain has dealt with this episode and the number of other gaffes he's made, Cain has continued to give them ammunition. And we're still only in primary season.

He's a likeable and decent man who has no experience in government and is simply not ready to be president.

please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. B.Poster10:17 AM

    I tend to agree with him not being ready for the Presidency. Experenatial common sense would suggest that something of this magnitude a campaign would be prepared for and would be able to handle much better than this.

    I do searches on myself regularly to find out what might come up and what I need to be prepared for. Its possible to do nothing wrong and run afoul of this legal system or have your good name destroyed yet do nothing wrong. A prudent person is always on guard. It appears his campaign was caught completely off guard. If I know these things, we would expect a Presidental candidate to know these things!!

    "He's a likeable man who has no experience in government..." This is true!! He was to busy being a productive member of society, creating jobs, and making and marketing products and services that provide value to people. The problem with the government is that to few of them have any experience in the private sector. As such, a lack of government experience is actually a plus, in my opinion. This is part of the reason I like him. The USA needs to be managed much like how a private business would be operated and managed. Here is a man who has extensive experience here.

    Given how he's handled this and how he did not appear to know that China has nuclear weapons seems to indicate he is not ready for the position he seeks. Given that Mitt Romney is not ready and Rick Perry is likewise not ready, it seems that the Republicans are faced with a number of very bad choices. Unless of course thay wish to nominate Dr. Ron Paul who actually has the best chance to win of any of the candidates.
