
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Breaking: Glenn Beck Endorses Michele Bachmann

On his radio show this morning. Claims he likes many of the candidates, but only Rep. Bachmann has the ability to really bring about change in Washington, has the exceptional strength of character to be a president along the lines of Washington or Lincoln and understands the Constitution like he does.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. One more reason not to take Beck seriously.

  2. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Does this have anything to do with the Jimmy Fallon incident (Bachmann was invited on Fallon's show, but the music used to introduce her was deliberately insulting)?

  3. B.Poster4:46 PM

    While I like Glenn Beck and think he is a very insightful commentator, he is a marginal figure at best. This is why Fox News camcelled his show. They couldn't make enough money on his show and he does not have enough of a following to justify a tv show. Essentially News Corp could get a better return by investing elsewhere.

    Essentially its irrelevant who he endorses. His following is not enough to matter. Again, no offense to Mr, Beck but this is the situation.

  4. Tantric Logic9:42 PM

    He only has the second highest rated talk radio show on the radio with millions of listeners daily, a growing TV network of his own, a number of best selling books.

    Yeah, marginal. No following whatsoever. Right.

    Oh, and B. Poster, according to both Beck and FOX,the split was mutual and amicable.

  5. B.Poster10:36 AM

    I never said the split was not amicable. What I said was FOX could make more money elsewhere. The same is likely true for Mr. Beck. While he does have an audience, he is largely "preaching to the choir" and does not get new listeners or readers. As such, yes, he is marginal.

  6. Tantric Logic12:22 PM

    You implied that it was not amicable.

    And how do YOU know he isn't getting new readers and growing his already huge audience? Facts and figures, please.

  7. B.Poster2:44 PM

    If you're on the radio during the day time only, you are going to be very limited as to who your audience is. Without the massive exposure from something like Fox News he is simply not going to have the exposure he had before. I think this should be obvious.

    In no way shape or form did I imply that the separation was less than amicable. I simply pointed out that News Corp can make more money with other programing so they made a business decision. Also, not being on Fox News probably means Mr. Beck can be less constrained in what he does or says. The separation is very likely what both parties wanted.

    As stated previously, I like Glenn Beck. He is a very insightful commentator. I actually wish we had more like him. He's just not influential enough for it to matter who he enorses.

    For what its worth, at least he has the character not to endorse Mitt Romney. For this, he deserves a great deal of credit. Mitt Romeny is the establishment RNC candidate, the candidate the Democrats want, and the candidate the news media wants. As such, many people will sacrifice principles to support Mr. Romney so they can have proverbial seat at the table with the elites and to enhance their bottom line.

  8. Anonymous4:50 PM

    i'm very sorry to ruin your party but Glenn specifficly said he is NOT endorsing her or anyone.find and listen for yourself in his site.

  9. Yeah, I heard him walk it back this AM.

    Obviously a lot of people heard what he said and considered it an endorsement. It was worded like an endorsement in every respect, and if he now chooses to qualify it and hedge,fine by me.

    BTW, it's not what I consider a party...merely some reporting on my part.

