
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cairo Rally: 'One Day We'll Kill All Jews'

Fridays in the Muslim world are mosque days, just as Sunday is church day for Christians.And Fridays are also the day for imams and mullahs to whip up crowds to a frenzy against the kuffars, the unbelievers. That's especially true when the Muslim Brotherhood is involved:

A Muslim Brotherhood rally in Cairo's most prominent mosque Friday turned into a venomous anti-Israel protest, with attendants vowing to "one day kill all Jews."

Some 5,000 people joined the rally, called to promote the "battle against Jerusalem's Judaization." The event coincided with the anniversary of the United Nations' partition plan in 1947, which called for the establishment of a Jewish state.

Some of the crowd melted away before the Muslim Brotherhood rally got properly started, but the ones that stayed got a full dose of that ol' time religion, redolent of jihad and Jew hatred:

Speakers at the event delivered impassioned, hateful speeches against Israel, slamming the "Zionist occupiers" and the "treacherous Jews." Upon leaving the rally, worshipers were given small flags, with Egypt's flag on one side and the Palestinian flag on the other, as well as maps of Jerusalem's Old City detailing where "Zionists are aiming to change Jerusalem's Muslim character."

Spiritual leader Dr. Ahmed al-Tayeb charged in his speech that to this day Jews everywhere in the world are seeking to prevent Islamic and Egyptian unity.

"In order to build Egypt, we must be one. Politics is insufficient. Faith in Allah is the basis for everything," he said. "The al-Aqsa Mosque is currently under an offensive by the Jews…we shall not allow the Zionists to Judaize al-Quds (Jerusalem.) We are telling Israel and Europe that we shall not allow even one stone to be moved there."

Muslim Brotherhood spokesmen, as well as Palestinian guest speakers, made explicit calls for Jihad and for liberating the whole of Palestine. Time and again, a Koran quote vowing that "one day we shall kill all the Jews" was uttered at the site. Meanwhile, businessmen in the crowd were urged to invest funds in Jerusalem in order to prevent the acquisition of land and homes by Jews.

Throughout the event, Muslim Brotherhood activists chanted: "Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, judgment day has come."

Far be it from me to ruin a nice bit of Arab rhetoric, but the Jews have nothing to do with problems in building Egypt, since Egypt settled its 'Jewish question' some time ago and Egypt is as judenrein as Hitler could have wanted.But why quibble about a mere detail like that when a handy and traditional scapegoat is at hand?

Would any religion today but Islam allow a house of worship to be used to promote what amounts to genocide?

Aside from being red meat for the jihad-hungry, Jew-hating masses,this was also a campaign rally for the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party in the run up to the beginning of Egypt's parliamentary elections.

If they get their expected majority and are able to get the army to cooperate, these are exactly the sort of people President Obama and the State Department characterize as 'moderate' and are working to help rule Egypt and Libya.

please helps me write more gooder!

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