
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

EU Says It Will Reward Abbas For Pretending To Negotiate

No, I'm not exaggerating.

Jordan's King Abdullah just presented a proposal from the EU to unelected 'Palestinian' dictator Mahmoud Abbas with a European initiative for resuming negotiations with Israel, according to the al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper.

The initiative calls for the 'Palestinians' to return to the negotiating table even without their precondition of an Israeli freeze on all development in Judea and Samaria including East Jerusalem in exchange for an EU pledge to support the 'Palestinian' bid for unilateral statehood in the UN if negotiations fail within the next year.

There are no requirements for Abbas to scuttle the alliance of Fatah with the genocidal Hamas, nor any consideration of the fact that this abrogates the Road Map that the EU is also a signatory to as a member of the Quartet.

Naturally, with that kind of deal being offered, there's no incentive for Abbas to enter into any serious negotiations with Israel.All he has to do is show up and stonewall for a year, and he gets what he wants out of the EU.

This is one of the most disgraceful instances of perfidy, appeasement and outright Jew hatred advanced anywhere outside of the Muslim world since the run up to WWII. The EU is essentially saying that it is just fine with breaking its pledged word and supporting the creation an apartheid little reichlet with genocide against Jews as its official policy. And furthermore, not only will they back it with their UN votes, but with their wallets.

Apparently not much has changed since the 1930's in Europe when it comes to Jews.

Not only should the Israelis reject negotiations on this basis out of hand, but they should immediately declare the Road Map null and void and de facto refuse to accept any further EU participation in future negotiations with 'Palestine'.

They've proven themselves politically and morally unworthy of any trust or consideration whatsoever.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. It's ok, because in less than a year there will be no more Europe. They are broke, the entire continent is going to hell, the Muzzies are taking over each country...and so Europe will have ZERO influence with anyone. Israel will not abide by anything, and that's that.

  2. UCSPanther10:42 AM

    The Israelis should not negotiate until the Palestinians demonstrate a 100% certainty that they are going to act in good faith, and the opinions of other countries be considered irrelevant.

    The Israelis got burned really good with both the Oslo and Camp David treaties, both failed attempts to negotiate with that corrupt murderer, Yasser Arafat, so they should not have to do it again, regardless of who is in "charge" of the Palestinians.

  3. Rob,

    I think there's no political solution to the middle east issue.

    The EU are in the last stages of their dope smokin' infatuation with collective tyranny and will collapse under the weight of their own contradictions.


  4. B.Poster12:32 PM

    With this kind of unconditional aid constantly being given to the Palestinians it is hardly surprising that they would not negotiate in good faith. Cut off all aid to the Palestinians or at least make it conditional like the aid Israel receives from America and you place the parties on more equal footing. With the parties on more equal footing good faith negotiations are more likely to take place.

    We claim we want a situation where Jewish Israel and Palestine live side by side as independent states living in peace as democracies. If this truly is the goal, it is much more likely to be accomplished if all aid to Palestine is cut off or at leas made conditional like the aid Israel receives.

    This should be obvious to everyone. The fact that this has not happened suggests that the powers that be in America and Western Europe are either, 1.)blnded by ideology, 2.)really seek the destruction of Israel, or 3.) these peoeple are complete idiots. I think they are most definitely not dumb. As such, it is more likely a combination of 1 and 2.

    In any event, America and the EU nations are bankrupt and will not have much world wide influence for much longer. As such, Israel should ignore them or brush them aside. If Israel MUST waste time and energy on negotiations, the nations they are going to have be dealing with in the future will be Russia, China, and possibly India.

    Personnaly my suggestion is to annex Gaza and the West Bank (Samaria) and forcibly remove the Palestinians to Jordan or place them under Israeli rule and be done with it. In the mid 1800s, America faced problems with Mexico and did something simillar during the Mexian American war. The threat posed to Israel is far more serious than the one posed to Aemrica at that time was. As such, Israel would be fully justified in taking this action.
