
Monday, November 14, 2011

Herman Cain For Commander-In-Chief? No, I Don't Think So!

Absolutely breathtaking. Sorry, but I wouldn't want to see Mr. Cain getting a 3AM call for anything but a late night pizza run.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. Stick a fork in him, he's done.

  2. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Funny thing is, even knowing nothing about Lybia he comes up with an answer that's much wiser than how the O-administration conducted its assessment of the situation: let's first take a look at who is the opposition, whom we are supporting...

  3. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Never thought he shoudl have the job from the very beginning. Glad he imploded before he got the nomination.

  4. B.Poster3:24 PM

    Actually the interview really isn't that bad. He did stumble a bit in the beginning with his notes. This is a distraction from his message. As such, he should have had his thoughts more organized going in. Two things I liked about what he said. 1.)He would need all of the facts about a situation and without all of those facts its hard to know what one would do. 2.)A better job should have been done to know who the opposition is.

    His answers seem to indicate a man who is circumspect and will think through things rather than rush to action. Also, he seems to be a very humble man who can will be able to take constructive criticism and will be able to admit he made a mistake when and if he does. Frankly, I think he'd much better able to handle that 3AM phone call than either than either Mr. Obama or Mr. Romney. Its unlikely that the scenario in the 3AM phone call with fit in nicely with the rehearsed answers that Mr. Romney has to every thing.

    Lets see Mr. Perry has been destroyed. Mr. Cain is about to be destroyed. Next it will be Mr. Gingrich. All we will be left with is Mr. Romney. Of all the Republican candidtates Mr. Romney is by far and away the easiest candidate for the Democrats to beat. They know this. Dr. Paul is the Republican candidate who actually has the best chance to win against Mr. Obama but the Republicans will never nominate him. As such, the Democrats are not worried about him. Are Republicans going to let Democrats choose their candidate for them?

  5. Poster, you're certainly entitled, but Ron Paul would get beaten like a gong if he ran against Obama. While he's not entirely wrong on some of his economic ideas, he's a giddy little anti-Semite and isolationist who would get America into more trouble than you could shake a stick at.

    If he were actually to somehow get the nomination, I would simply not vote for president in 2012. And I know a lot of others who wouldn't as well.

  6. B.Poster6:37 PM

    I did not say Ron Paul would be good as President nor did I say I'd vote for him. What I'm saying is he is most likely to beat Mr. Obama among the current Republican candidates. The least likely candidate among the current Republican nominees to beat Mr. Obama is Mr. Romney. Yet the RNC wants to give Romeny the nomination!!

    How is Dr. Paul an anti-semite? At least how is he any more an anti-semite than Mr. Obama or the typical Republican? If Dr. Paul somehow got the nomination, he would likely defeat Mr. Obama.

    The end result of his policies would likely be less aid to Israel but it would also be less interference in Israel's affairs. While there may be some down side to Israel in the loss of American aid, the net benefits to Israel from this lack of American interference would far, far outweigh the costs to Israel of the lack of aid. Essentially he's the best candidate for Israel's interests than any other candidate. We can't afford the aid any way.

    Note I say the end result of his policies would proably be less interference in Israel's affairs. the reason I say "probably" is because he nor any other President has dictatorial powers and would be influenced by others in governmment. As such, we can't be enitrely sure what might happen but, on balance, the less interference in Israeli affairs from his "isolationist" policies would be a greater net benefit to Israel than the policies of any other candidate for President right now.

    Now for the "isolationist" slur. America is bankrupt. It has huge problems right here at home that severely need to be addressed. We could have avoided much of this problem had we adhered to the advice of some of our founding fathers. To roughly paraphrase George Washington said, "why quit our own to stand on foreign lands?" John Adams said to roughly paraphrase, "while America will support liberty elsewhere ultimately she can only guarantee her own. She does not go through the earth looking for giants to slay." These men were "isolatinists." An "Isolationist" is actually a good thing. If we had more of these types, our country would be freer and more prosperous. I think most Amricans finally get this and see through the slur. At least, this seems like a slur. Sorry for the harshness.

    Again, this is not meant as a defense of Dr. Paul nor do I think he'd be a good president. Frankly, I find his policies on national defense a bit wanting. He does not seem to udnerstand the threat posed by Iran. Even so, we are bankrupt, our military is worn down to the point that even basic national defense is problematic, our infrastructure is crumbling, and we are bankrupt. As such, we really don't have the money to address all of this in the near to mid term.

    With that said, I think Israel can handle the Iranian threat to them and us, if we will get out of the aay long enough. I also, think Europe, Japan, and South Korea among others can pick up the slack on their national defense, if for no other reason than they wish to survive. Rather than cause us "more trouble than you can shake a stick at" this would be great for us and is the most likely result of Dr. Paul's foreign policies!!

    Even if it fails, we would have redeployed to defensible positions along our borders where we would have a fighting chance to defend our nation. At this point, I'm not sure Dr. Paul understnnds the need to militarize our borders the way other nations do but the first step is to stop wasting our warriors and other precious resources on futile efforts in the Middle East and start utilizing them to defend our country.
