
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Israeli Leaders Refuse To Give Committment To US They Won't Attack Iran

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta was in Israel last week to meet with israeli PM Benyamin Netanyahu and Israeli defense Minister Ehud Barack. While his official brief was to discuss the stalled Middle East Peace Talks, he also carried a message from President Obama asking for an iron-clad assurance that Israel would not attempt a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear weapons facilities without getting a 'green light' from Washington.

He didn't get it:

The two Israelis were notably evasive in their response, according to sources both in Israel and the United States.

"They did not suggest that military action was being planned or was imminent, but neither did they give any assurances that Israel would first seek Washington's permission, or even inform the White House in advance that a mission was underway," one said.

This fits in quite well with the Israeli strategy I outlined earlier; they are telling the West in no uncertain terms that if they're unwilling to do anything about Iran's nuclear weapons program, they will. This is particularly appropriate for th eIsraeli after Panetta's public remarks a few days ago telling the Iranians in effect that that they need have no fear of any action from the Obama Administration to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons, and that the Israelis are on their own as far as the Obama Administration is concerned.

President Obama's actions and his attitude towards Netanyahu and Israel have assured that even a center Left figure like Ehud Barack doesn't trust the White House and this president in the least.

It's Israel that's on the firing line, they're keeping their cards hidden, and I can't see how anyone could blame them in the least.


  1. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Why would anyone give that ignoramus in the Oval Office assurances about anything? That Panetta was still trying to cajole Israel into doing something so stupid as to allow the Jew-hater in the White House to OK how they protect their children is just astounding. It's only the most commonsense deprived members of the Jewish-American community who think Obama walks on water. The rest of the world knows that he's a lameass.

  2. louielouie9:45 PM

    i'm sure ff will find my opinion particularly distasteful as it is hitlerian in nature.
    i'd sign the paper giving hussein whatever assurance he wanted.
    then attack iran.
    ......when hussein is on the fourth hole.........

  3. B.Poster8:12 AM

    Why should Israel have to get a "green light" from America on this or aby thing else? Israel is not an American colony. If America tried to cajole any other country in this manner besides Israel, the media would howl with rage against "American imperialism" or something like this.

    The very center piece to Iranian foreign and domestic policy is "death to America" and "death to Israel." Every thing they do is devoted to these ends. In a sane world, we could get a prosecution against such people for incitement to genocide or something. Alas, this is not a sane world.

    Clearly something has to be done. Clearly the Americans lack the technical expertise to circumvent the Iranian air defense systems and its pilots lack the flying skills to defeat this system either. Iran is backed up by Russia and China. The American miiitary is worn down by years of fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. As such, it is no match for superior Russian and Chinese forces that would be amost certain to get involved in such a conflict. Furthermore due to its massive national debt and crumbling infrastructure there is no realistic possibilty that America can close the gap that currently exists between it and Russia and China any time in the near to mid term.

    There is very few good options for America. The only real option is to redeploy to defensible positions along our borders to give ourselves a fighting chance at defending our country. If a military stike against Iran were to succeed, the best way for this to happen would be for Israel to lead it. The Israelis have the technical expertise and their pilots have the flying skills to be able defeat the Iranian air defense systems. If its done quickly and decisively, the Israelis just might be able to succeed. Given the fact, that America has been penetrated at levels by Iranian, Russian, and Chinese agents, any attempt by Israel to inform the Americans would be instantly picked up by the Iranians. As such, the less information given to America about the mission the more likely it is to succeed.

    America's best bet is to withdraw entirely from the middle east and redeploy to defensible postions along the borders. Its clearly in our interests that something be done to thwart Iran. Our best bet here is to get out of Israel's way here.
