
Wednesday, November 09, 2011

'Palestinians' Admit Not Enough Support In UN Security Council For Statehood

The 'Palestinians' have finally admitted that they simply don't have enough support in the UN Security Council to get the nine votes needed to be admitted as a state:

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki told The Associated Press Tuesday, "It is clear now, with the U.S. counter effort and intervention, that we are not going to have these nine votes." They can still apply to the General Assembly.

Yes, they can. But not for full membership.


One might ask oneself exactly how an apartheid, corrupt, unelected regime that makes heroes and role models out of terrorists and is allied with the genocidal Hamas would be a worthy addition to the UN...but then considering the nature of much of the UN itself these days, perhaps it's better not to.

please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. UCSPanther3:41 PM

    For all the braying of the Palestinian supporters online, the "country" they root for is no more than a shabby construct. It is a failed state, a place where the terror groups rule, and don't care about their subjects, viewing them only as a source of recruits, suicide bomber fodder, propaganda points and resources for them to pilfer. As such, it is hard to see how such a "state" will survive for much longer (Causing me to wager that it will implode in a few decades, becoming no more than a dark memory).

    PR and credibility-wise, recent years have not been very kind to Palestine either. First, with Arafat's death (If there was one thing he was good at, it was pulling the wool over the eyes of the world), their election of Hamas (Which caused them to be isolated), and the internet/ increased ease of information transfer, which has allowed both the Pro-Israel and neutral parties to distribute their views and evidence. This in turn has caused severe damage to the Pro-Palestinian camp's propaganda, as much of it was based on revisionist/distorted history, distorted truth and outright lies. An excellent example of this fact at play was the demise of Rachel Corrie, the ISM's attempt to make propaganda hay off it, and the subsequence revealing of photoshopping and deception on the ISM's part.
