
Sunday, November 06, 2011

The Real Face of The 'OWS' Movement: Occupy Boston Occupies Israeli Consulate

A contingent from the Occupy Boston "Occupy" protest camp marched late Friday afternoon to the building that houses the Israeli consulate in Boston, chanting the usual slogans...

Ira Stoll puts it in perspective:

I can already hear the Occupy Boston people saying the small splinter group that went to the Israeli consulate building doesn't represent all of Occupy Boston, and the Occupy Wall Street people saying that Occupy Boston doesn't represent all of the Occupy movement, and the anti-Israel protesters saying they aren't anti-Semites, they are just anti-Zionist or critical of the policies of the current Israeli government. And some of the rest of them saying that the anti-Israel protesters don't represent all of Occupy any more than Patrick Buchanan represents the entire Republican Party. But at a certain point, one has to wonder why these people are protesting Israel and not some far more abusive government like that of China, Iran, or Syria. I can already hear them saying that America doesn't give billions a year in aid to China, Iran, or Syria.

Still, the whole event illustrates the way the Occupy movement has become a forum for people to air whatever pre-existing grievance or agenda they have, even if it has nothing to do with Wall Street. And how readily a protest against bankers can elide into one against the Jewish state.

Actually, as I pointed out some time ago, there has always been a current of anti-Semitism in the OWS reason it's so popular with Paulistas of a certain mindset. And by the way, the occupation of the Israeli consulate was not a splinter group, but an officially sanctioned event.

The comments of the humanoid who posted this video, some of the comments of people who responded there and a number of the comments on Stoll's site are the best argument I can think for a strong powerful Israel. if it weren't for people like these, a Jewish State would not be a necessity. And yes, the idiot who put this up on YouTube originally got it from George Soros' Think Progress.

Oh, and just in passing...that same idiot in his description of the video claims that the storming of the Israeli consulate was done in 'solidarity'..because 'A flotilla with as many as a dozen activists -- including Code Pink's Kit Kittredge- was bound to Gaza bearing humanitarian aide on November 4th. The Israeli military boarded seized the ship, and took all of the activists into custody'.

First of all, the two ships were attempting to break a blockade already deemed in accordance with international law. Second, the ships were directed by the Israeli Navy to go into port at Ashdod where any humanitarian supplies they had ( which Gaza is not in need of anyway) would be checked, offloaded and sent to Gaza. They were only boarded when they refused. And third, when the ships were examined, they had no 'humanitarian supplies' on board whatsoever. Just like there was no aid on the Mavi Marmara.

They were simply attempting to cause an international incident.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Ok, although it's fun to get your blood pressure up about these people, I say let 'em speak. I went down to Zicotti Park on Thursday and the people there couldn't be worse advocates for their cause. The cliche signs, drum circles, and mic checks are not helping them. They're becoming punchlines on The Daily Show and The Onion. Let 'em speak.

  2. Oh, I agree 100% Anonymous. Let them speak, and act out until the stench becomes obvious.

    The problem though, is that the dinosaur media is deliberately NOT covering this stuff.Because this is essentially part of the Obama campaign, and they're already in the tank for him.


  3. B.Poster12:08 AM

    Israel has nothing to do with the problems America faces that OWS was supposed to be protesting. We need to be focusing on things like getting our economy growing and moving in a positive direction and making our country more secure. Israel has nothing to do with America's economic problems. or its lack of military readiness to confront an attack on its mainland. Occupying the Israeli consulate is a distraction from what we need to be focusing on.

    In case any one is interested, here's how to solve the Israeli/Palestinian war. I think I've posted it before.

    Essentially the Palestinian Arabs receive vast amounts of uncoditinal aid from America and Western Europe. This is unlike the aid Israel receives from America which is highly conditional. Either cut off the aid to the Palestinians or make it conditional like the aid Israel receives.

    As long as the Palestinians are receiving this vast amount of uncondtional aid they are at a huge advantage in realtion to Israel. If this aid is cut off or at least made conditional, then the Palestinians will be on a much more equal footing with regards to Israel. In this situation, the Palestinaians would be morh more likely to negotiate in good faith.

    Good faith negotiatins are more likely to achieve what we calim to want which is a peaceful end to the conflict that result in Democratic Jewish Israel and Democratic Palestine living side by side in peace. If the OWS protestors and others who occupied the Israeli Consulate are serious about peace why aren't they lobbying for a cut off of the uncoditional aid to the Palestinians?

    Could it be that they are not serious about trying to achieve a resolution to the conflict but instead want to see the state of Israel destroyed? I think this is higly likely. The destruction of Israel is not in our interests. Israel is the primary buffer between us and Islamic terrorists who want to destroy us. If this buffer is weakend or eliminated Aemrica is much more difficult to defend. Could it be that these people want to see America destroyed as well? I think this is higly likely, as well.

  4. I wonder if any of the idiots in the video chanting about apartheid think Jews should be allowed to enter Saudi Arabia.
