
Thursday, November 10, 2011

With Friends Like These....
Michael Ramirez's Latest...

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1 comment:

  1. B.Poster7:47 AM

    I don't think any serious person would suggest that France is a friend of Israel. As such, I don't think the caption of "with friends like these can apply to Mr. Sarkozy or France.

    Please note I used the term "any serious person." At least when it comes to political analysis, our news media is dominated by very unserious people.

    For example with all of the massive and dire problems that America faces, what items dominate news coverage? 1.)A sex scandal involving a head foot ball coach and his staff member who failed to properly notify law enforcement as they should have. 2.)The sexual escapades of a Republican presidential candidate. 3.)A debate gaffle by a Republican candidate for President. This is a gaffle of the type we've all made at some point in our lives. As such, while important it simply doesn't warrant the level of coverage.

    Mean while a very serious issue goes virtually unreported. The Obama Administration has delayed construction of the Keystone Pipeline that would have created thousands of US jobs and would have, in time, helped us achieve energy independence. This is a very serious issue.

    Lack of jobs and lack of energy independence or a coherent energy policy are part of what plagues America right now. This project is a constructive attempt to solve both of these problems.

    Also, it highlights another major problem plaguing America. The regulatory environment right now makes it virtually impossible for us to engage in any kind of major construction projects that would allow to address our infrastructure needs.

    The notion that we need more time to study this to come up with alternate roots is a flimsy one. They have had an incredible amount of time to study this. There is nothing new to learn by now. Bottom line Mr. Obama likely wants to please a significant part of his base and to h@ll with the needs of Americans who are suffering and whose lives are placed in danger by a ridiculous energy policy.

    The delay of the Keystone Project and the flimsy excuse for this is a very serious issue that should get wall to wall media coverage. The sex scandals and the cat getting Mr. Perry's tounge, while important, simply do not warrant the kind of coverage they are getting. Oh well an unserious people gets an unserious media.

    Now back to the topic at handAs for America, this caption very likely applies. A friend would not expect a friend to give up land that is valuable to its national security If the friend wanted to give up land that is vital to its security, it would seem as though a true friend would advise them against this. Also, a friend would not supply money, arms, and training to a genocidal enemy of their friend.

    With friends like America, does Israel need any enemies? I've been saying for years both countries would be better off without the current "special relationship." Clearly Americans are not a serious people right now. As such, don't expect them to take the lead on changing it. Hopefully Israelis will do so.

    Hopefully the two nations can be friends. We REALLY need for Israel to continue to act as a buffer between us and the Islamic terrorists who wish to destroy us. Frankly, Israel can do this much better without our excessive meddling in their affairs. Why does Israel tolerate such a thing? I suppose thats for another thread.
