
Friday, December 09, 2011

What Happens When You Smoke Too Much Dope

Remember people, she has the same vote you do...unless she gets too blitzed and forgets!

Where else but in California.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. louielouie6:43 PM

    she comes into my store all the time.

  2. Ha ha. What a clown!

    We can really be a community. And I really believe it can be a California thing. And and and. . .

  3. B.Poster8:09 PM

    "Remember she has the same vote you do..." Unfortunately this is true. As I understand it, when the nation was founded the only people who could vote were people who owned property. This would make perfect sense as only people who actually have "skin in the game" should be allowed to vote. Not sure hwo applicable this is today. At a minimum, I'd suggest only people with 1.) college degrees, 2.)people who own property, and 3.)either own businesses and have more than 100 customers or supervise more than 20 people shouls be allowed to vote. If a person falls within situation 3 then we may be able to make exceptions for 1 and 2 or if they fall within situation 2 and 3 we may be able to overlook situation 1. Any one who does not meet criteria 2 and 3 simply does not have the experience or the life experiences to be trusted to vote wisely. If one meets all three criteria, then perhaps their vote should count more than someone who only falls within crtieria 1 and 2.

    Also, anyone who is a net tax recipient should never under any circumstances be allowed to vote. Most OWS protesters would fall within this group. The voters may take under consideration the wishes of these folkd, however, they simply do not have the wisdom to be trusted to vote in a prudent manner.

  4. Nice rack though...

  5. Wow...Our founders would be so proud.

  6. Wow...Our founders would be so proud.

  7. How did she know we have slaves in the NE? Who told her? I keep mine locked in the basement and allow them no communication with the outside world. lmao

    I giver her points for being able to talk endlessly about nothing and for making absolutely no sense better than almost anyone I've ever heard outside a mental facility.
