
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Romney On Jay Leno: 'Rick Santorum For Press Secretary'

Yesterday,after a fresh round of attacking Governor Romney, Rick Santorum magnanimously announced that he'd be willing to serve as Mitt Romney's vice president. Here's Romney's hilarious answer, on Jay Leno's show...

1 comment:

  1. louielouie12:50 PM

    i don't give a rats behind about anyone appearing on these shows. all it does is confirm what i think of them and of the american electorate.
    dumber than a sack of hair.
    you know what i think would be funny?.
    i mean realllly funny.
    this would be hilarious.
    get a broom handle, and do a kadaffy on leno.
    now that i would watch!!!
    but only for a sec.
