
Monday, March 26, 2012

Trayvon Martin's Mother Seeks To Trademark His Name As Merchandise Hits The Streets

Now that the Treyvon Martin case is in full media frenzy, Martin's mother has filed two trademark applications to get in on the merchandising boom:

Sybrina Fulton is seeking marks for the phrases “I Am Trayvon” and “Justice for Trayvon,” according to filings made last week with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. In both instances, Fulton, 46, is seeking the trademarks for use on “Digital materials, namely, CDs and DVDs featuring Trayvon Martin,” and other products.

The March 21 USPTO applications, each of which cost $325, were filed by an Orlando, Florida law firm representing Fulton, whose first name is spelled "Sabrina" in the trademark records.

It's good to see that she's overcome her grief so quickly.

It's too bad she didn't also have the foresight to trademark George Zimmerman's image and name. One of the kind of products she undoubtedly would seek to make money on is pictured above and appearing quite a bit in Florida and elsewhere. It doesn't use Trayvon's name of image, but it certainly seems to be linked to the case and uses the phrase she wants trademarked, so she might have a legitimate claim.

Soon to be appearing at a shopping mall near you, along with the Trayvon Martin signature hoodie..your choice of three colors.

Imagine, if you will,the reaction is a white person had put out a tee shirt with the picture of a perpetrator of black-on-white crime with the n-word on it, maybe some of these people. Somehow, I have a feeling it wouldn't be ignored by the media the same way.


  1. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I am glad to see her raising funds for the legal battles she will be facing going against the justice system with deep pockets. Good to see someone playing CHESS instead of Checkers . It doesn't mean she is over her grief probably until she dies. ....
    What an insensitive remark , almost forgot what country I live in for a minute ....

  2. What 'deep pockets' are those? If this goes to trial, it will be a case of the State of Florida (and perhaps even President Obama's Department of Justice)working to convict Zimmerman. The taxpayers will be paying for it.

    It's Zimmerman who's going to have to pay for his own defense if he's charged, unless he uses a public defender.

    Tell me anonymous - you think the shirt pictured is racist? If you don't, I'm I mentioned in the last part of this piece, how would you react if a company was marketing shirts with the alleged perpetrators of black on white crime pictured on them with racist epithets?

    Or does racism just depend on who deals it out?


  3. Anonymous6:01 PM

    I think that the shirt is terrible and should certainly be condemned.

    I also think that your ugly attack on the mom is incredibly disgusting. How you call yourself a human being is beyond me.

  4. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Its her child and she has the right to trademark any slogans used w his name. Didnt JayZ want to even trademark his daughter name? I hope she receives double for her lost. Love,Peace, and Money she deserves it.

  5. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Wow this has the making of another la riots. Of course facts will be ignored and white america will have yet another thing to apologize for.

  6. Just a matter of time, if the media keeps pushing this phony story of a hate crime that wasn't. So now I have to answer for a Hispanic killing a black because I'm white???????

    Keep it up and there will be a backlash, these "P_A_C" shirts are going to inspire some one to make a "D_A_N" shirt out of spite.

    My initial sympathy for the poor kid is quickly giving way to anger at the exploitation of this event for POLITICAL reasons, and the use as an excuse for REAL racists like Sharpton to pull Tuwanna Brawley Part Deux.

    Yet again race pimp #1 has tried and convicted a man in the court of public opinion without the benefit of facts. There was a reason the media withheld as much info as they could, as more details come to light it sure seems as if the narrative was about 175° off course from reality.

    In closing I say to messrs Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Holder, Obama, and every other race hustler "Dont't incite a riot for political gain, after all where you guys gonna shop when your citizen army loots and burns down the only stores in their neighborhoods?"

  7. UCSPanther7:50 PM

    I just love how the left and race hustlers like Al Sharpton are milking this case for all it's worth, all while turning a blind eye to the antics of the new black panthers.

  8. Katharine7:59 PM

    The race-baiting media wants to make the shooter "white" just like they want to make every dog attack case a "pitbull."

  9. Anonymous8:20 AM

    How is this a race issue? When it seems as if your in question of breaking the law you are "white" american however, if your good then your a mexican american or an african american etc etc.... What makes this a race issue is when sharpton the black panthers make it so. How are these groups still around? Hate groups need to go...

  10. Anonymous6:36 PM

    The trademark of his name and slogan might be on the advice of her lawyers to prevent others from profitting from this, not neccessarily an attempt on her part to cash in.
    As with this entire situation lets not rush to judgement based on hearsay and emotions.

  11. Anonymous12:50 AM

    They do realize he is HISPANIC, NOT White....

  12. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Nothing like a thug with gold teeth and a huge gold chain around his neck wearing a shirt supporting an "innocent black kid". Too bad he wasn't flashing any gang signs, that would've been the trifecta. Really, how am I supposed to want justice when he argues such a good case?

  13. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I am really sorry 4 her lost n I hope she gets the justice that her family an treyvon deserves I can't emagin how it feels to lose a child the pain has to be the worce pain ul ever felt. I'm glad that she's being a strong black women and standin up 4 her son. Good luck treyvon's mommy ima 100percent behind you....
