
Tuesday, September 04, 2012

What President Obama Really Thinks Of His Youthful Supporters

The above video is apparently a lame attempt to be 'hip' and 'edgy'. It portrays President Obama in a brief conversation with two actors playing the parts of stoner duo Harold and Kumar who are essentially the modern day equivalent the old Cheech and Chong team.

While the reliable tools at Talking Points Memo took a stab at mentioning the obvious drug connections and doing their best to spin that, the real, deeper meaning of this is a lot more insidious and a lot harder to spin.

This is obviously how the Obama campaign views many of its youth supporters - stupid, stoned out of their minds in a filthy apartment, eating junk food and watching cartoons with the attention span of a flea.

Some of the youth whom still view this president favorably ought to think about the kind of contempt demonstrated here before they go out and vote.

It's not 2008 anymore, those old Obama posters on the wall really are faded, hope and change was just an empty slogan designed to lure you in and this president and his strategists think you're all brain dead morons stoned out of your mind who'll believe anything they tell you.

Think about it.

1 comment:

  1. louielouie7:53 PM

    and this president and his strategists think you're all brain dead morons stoned out of your mind who'll believe anything they tell you.

    uh, ff, these are hussein supporters. they ARE brain dead morons stoned out of their minds who'll believe anything they tell them.
