
Friday, October 05, 2012

Legal Group Aids Army Instructor Ousted Over Complaints By U.S. Islamists

U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Dooley, a West Point graduate and highly-decorated combat veteran with 22 years of service was a well-respected and highly regarded instructor at the Joint Forces Staff College at the National Defense University

But when Islamist groups like the Muslim Public Affairs Council(MPAC) and CAIR screamed bloody murder about the course he was teaching, “Perspectives on Islam and Islamic Radicalism”, the word went out from the Obama White House, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey criticized Dooley publicly during a Pentagon press conference characterizing his course as objectionable, unprofessional, and “against our values,” Dooley was fired from his position as an instructor and his career was effectively dead ended so that any chance of promotion was over.

"This was a very heavy-handed approach from the very top,” said Richard Thompson, chief counselor and president of the Thomas More Law Center, a national nonprofit public interest law firm handling Dooley’s case. “He had a brilliant career ahead of him," Thompson said. "Now, he has been flagged.”

Following Dempsey's criticism, Dooley received a negative Officer Evaluation Report (OER) after acing them for the past five years, according to Thompson. In military circles, the bad OER was a scarlet letter.

“They [superiors] ordered a negative evaluation. He will never have the opportunity for promotion unless this is overturned,” Thompson said.

The Army is declining comment, but Dooley's legal team says that they are prepared to file a civil lawsuit in federal court if Dooley’s negative ranking is not overturned and corrected.

LTC Dooley is still a serving officer and can't comment, but Thompson pointed out that the guidelines from the NDU Faculty Handbook gave LTC Dooley permission to teach free of limitations:

The Faculty Handbook states; “Academic Freedom at National Defense University is defined as freedom to pursue and express ideas, opinions, and issues germane to the University’s stated mission, free of limitations, restraints, or coercion by the University or external environment. Academic freedom is the hallmark of an academic institution

These guidelines were of course ignored when LTC Dooley publicly humiliated and was removed as an instructor, because the eleventh commandment in the Obama Administration appears to be 'Thou shalt appease Islam and Islamists.

Hopefully a reversal of this injustice may signify the start of a new attitude.

Expecting our warriors to fight against an enemy their leaders are afraid to even name correctly is the height of insanity.

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