
Friday, November 16, 2012

Hamas Missiles Hit Jerusalem, Tel Aviv

Air raid sirens sounded in Jerusalem early last night as a Hamas missile crossed the sky of Israel's capitol, just before the Jewish Sabbath. No injuries or damage, as the missile ended up landed near an Arab village in the general area of Gush Etzion, in Judea.

This follows an earlier missile that struck Tel Aviv's metro area:

Shortly after the air raid siren sounded in Jerusalem, Hamas' military wing, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, claimed responsibility for the rocket fired at the capital area. According to the organization, it fired a homemade rocket called Qassam M76.

The rocket Hamas fired at Tel Aviv is nicknamed Qassam M75.

Shortly before the rocket hit the Jerusalem area, Hamas' military wing promised "a surprise in a short while."

At the same time the rockets were fired at Jerusalem, a factory in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council in southern Israel sustained a direct hit. Later, a rocket hit the backyard of a house in the Be'er Tuvia Regional Council. There were no reports of injuries in both incidents.

This, strange as it sounds is a positive development. Here's a quote from some Yerusalamim(Jerusalem residents):

"We were sitting together and listening to music, when suddenly the siren sounded," said two 16-year-old Jerusalem residents, Denise and Inbar. "The first feeling was shock. We thought it wouldn’t happen to us."

The same sort of shock is being voiced by residents of Tel Aviv.

Gaza has been an open sore even since the Israelis pulled out, with guarantees and assurances from the EU, the United States, the Egyptians and the Palestinian Authority that it would never be allowed to become a security risk to Israel. The American guarantees were a primary reason Israel agreed to the disengagement and signed on to President Bush's Roadmap.

That those guarantees were worthless has been evident for some time, but a part of the Israeli political establishment, especially on the left, has always been able to look the other way as long as the attacks were confined to places like Sderot in the south.

Now, with missiles landing in the own backyards, with they and their children having to scramble for shelters, the war has come home and they realize that they are going to have to do something about it. It isn't just Sderot and Ashdod any more.

The Israelis are going to send ground troops into Gaza
and deal with this once and for all.They have no choice.

Once again, Hamas has been willing to be the fall guy for Iran. This time,it's going to cost them more than they bargained for, with G-d's help.

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