
Sunday, November 04, 2012

Mitt Romney At Red Rocks...Simply Amazing

I think we can say that Colorado is going Republican this year.


  1. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I think we can say that Colorado is going Republican this year.

    You're basing your analysis on a Romney campaign commercial? And I bet McDonalds ad probably make you think that Big Macs are healthy, right?

    Obama's up in the RCP average and at 50.6% on Intrade. But if you want to base your analysis on a campaign ad (!!!), please be my guest. Thanks for the laugh.

  2. Only 50.6 on Intrade...boy, Obama's fallen pretty far!

    That sounds like a bookie's ploy to get the suckers in.

    BTW, you realize that RCP's average includes a lot of polls like PPP that are partisan and not worth dog manure, right?

    We'll see what happens Tuesday.

  3. Tantric Logic4:44 PM

    Anonymous never heard of voter enthusiasm being an indication of turnout.
