
Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Romney Wins KY, Indiana, GA And SC; Obama Gets Vermont

Mourdock running behind in Indiana senate race...


  1. when words come back to haunt you4:24 PM

    Mourdock running behind in Indiana senate race...

    Maybe that's just part of god's plan? Well, that and getting raped...

  2. If you believe in an omnipotent G-d who orders our universe, yes.

    Nothing happens without a reason...but sometimes it's just not apparent to us what that reason was.

    BTW, I don't expect you to understand or agree with that in the least.But characterizing Mourdock as a 'supporter' of rape is pretty vicious slander.

  3. when words come back to haunt you4:49 PM

    I'm just glad he said it! That's' one less republican in the senate. He can join Todd Akin on the bench of republicans who torpedoed their campaigns by openly stating the GOP's opinion of women. Keep it up, troglodytes!

  4. when words come back to haunt you4:51 PM

    By the way, I didn't say he was a 'supporter of rape.' You did. Check the transcript, governor.

    He's not a supporter of rape. He's just an idiot. I'd rather not have idiots in the senate, thank you very much.

  5. Whatever. Your spirit of bipartisanship and 'new tone' is duly noted.

    As far as the transcript crack, looks like President Obama lied again, but then what else is new? :

    Stones, glass houses...
