
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Must See - Krauthammer At his Best

Here's a real treat.

The always thought provoking and stimulating pulitzer prize winning columnist and renowned commentator  Dr. Charles Krauthammer spoke yesterday at a symposium sponsored by the National Review in Washington DC entitled 'Challenges Facing Conservatives' and had a number of things to say well worth hearing. C-SPAN broadcast the event, and Dr. Krauthammer's segment is available at the above link.

He speaks for about an hour, and the segment, sparked by questions from moderator Rich Lowrey and a Q&A session with the audience is well worth your time. Among other things, he addresses exactly why Romney lost the election, why he feels optimistic about the future of conservatism in America and what he sees in the future.

Highly recommended if you have any interest in the above topics.

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