
Friday, March 01, 2013

Andrew Breitbart, RIP

Today is the anniversary of his death.

The clip above is a classic, from the days of WeinerGate. So is this, one of my favorite videos of Andrew Breitbart in action, taking on an SEIU and Soros funded Organizing America rent-a-mob at a conference called “Right Nation 2010,” held just outside of Chicago, Illinois on September 18th of that year, where he and Glenn Beck were headlining. It's absolutely hilarious to watch some of the mob flee from Breitbart like vampires from garlic...or in this case, from one man armed with the truth:

He was one of a kind.

Andrew took on the Left using their own weapons, and not only did he empower himself, he gave a whole lot of other people the courage and the format to stand up to them and fight back.He embodied Hillel's dictum, 'If there is no man, be that man.' He delighted in shining a bright light on the cockroaches he saw despoiling our country.

No wonder the Left rejoiced at his premature death. But that was Andrew Breitbart's final victory. Because it was the final proof, if any were needed, of how indecent they really are...a final vindication that Andrew Breitbart was entirely correct when he pointed it out time after time.


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