
Friday, March 29, 2013

Female Leftists In Gaza Aid Convoy Sexually Assaulted

Apparently it doesn't just happen in Tahrir Square in Cairo.

According to al-Guardian, three women who were part of a 10-vehicle convoy en route to Gaza that was held up in Benghazi because the Egyptians would not allow it to cross the border. The women were among a group of five British nationals who were kidnapped by some of the locals.

According to Abdul Barghathi, commander of preventative security in the Libyan defence ministry, the women had been sexually assaulted, but not raped. "There was no rape, just touching (sexual assault)," he said. "Because there is no British consulate here they were handed to the Turkish consulate."

The Brits are apparently on their way back home. It could easily have been worse, and perhaps they learned something

Benghazi these days is a place where the Libyan government, such as it is doesn't exist. Instead, different parts of the city are controlled by various militias. Ansar al-Sharia, the al-Qaeda militia who attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American is in de facto control of most of the central part of the city.

It's not a place for ferenghi(foreigners) to hang out unless they're very careful and very well armed.

1 comment:

  1. louielouie4:09 PM

    It's not a place for ferenghi(foreigners) to hang out unless they're very careful and very well armed.

    this is news?
    they are brits.
    they don't have to go benghazi to get molested by ra......, ra......, ra......, islamists.
    they do that right in londonstan.
