
Monday, March 18, 2013

Sarah Palin AT CPAC "We're Not Here To Rebrand A Party, We're Here To Rebuild A Country"

An absolutely wonderful speech from Governor Palin. And it looks like Governor Palin has been working out and getting in shape for something big.

Bonus...Senator Ted Cruz's superb intro.

Hard to believe that the GOP was too frightened and wussied up to give the Governor a speaking slot at last year's national convention. She is far and away the best speaker and most articulate politician in either party.

Listen to this and tell me again that she couldn't eat Barack Obama's lunch in a head to head.

Soon come...soon come.


  1. louielouie2:39 PM

    Listen to this and tell and tell me again that she couldn't eat Barack Obama's lunch in a head to head.

    when election officials enter the results of elections, regardless of the vote count, ok, there is no way in hell gov. palin could eat hussein's lunch in a head to head.
    i'll even go you one further.
    i bet she couldn't get a single vote in the state of ohio.
    i bet she couldn't get a single vote in the state of pennsylvania.
    cpac, cair, what's the difference?

  2. Oh, I think she would have.

    She's a far better speaker than Romney, far more media savvy and a lot shrewder than to trust a bunch of consultants telling her what she wants to hear.Not only that but Sarah Palin would have given a lot of the 3 million Republicans who sat home in 2012 a reason to come out and vote.

    And most importantly, she has the courage to take the president head on and hold him accountable for his failures.

    I personally can;t wait to see what she does next.She remains my favorite political figure in these United States.

