
Thursday, April 04, 2013

Feinstein Blames NRA For Her Failed Anti-Gun Bill

Our old friend DiFi was in true rant and rave mode as she spoke in front of a hometown audience in San Francisco about the failure of her attempt to ban high capacity magazines and what she calls' assault weapons'.

As CBS News in San Francisco reported today:

“A fear has set in that if they vote for the bill they won’t be re-elected. It’s that plain, it’s that simple,” Feinstein said during an appearance before the Commonwealth Club. “My view is they shouldn’t go up to the Senate if they are unwilling to stand up and vote.”

Speaking of operating out of fear, the senator didn't mention names but ticked off a number of southern and western states, San Francisco code for 'ignorant rednecks'.

And here's another thing..these senators actually did vote..just not for Difi's gun grab. And yes, they are from places very different from San Francisco. Could it be that they are just representing their constituent's views,rather than elitist claptrap?

And the last time I checked, wasn't that the way representative democracy was supposed to operate?

Apparently, not in Senator Feinstein's world. Because she, you know, is smarter than the rest of us knuckle draggers.

1 comment:

  1. louielouie1:40 PM

    My view is they shouldn’t go up to the Senate if they are unwilling to stand up and vote

