
Friday, April 19, 2013

First Marathon Bombing Suspect Is In Custody!

He's Samil Tripathi, an Indian American and a former Brown Student. As you can see by what he's wearing, not exactly The Great White Tea Party Terrorist the Obama Administration and the Left were hoping for...if he actually was the bomber at all. No word on whether he's an Indian Muslim.He was suspect Number One.

Suspect Number Two is still at large.

UPDATE: WCVB Boston is reporting Tripathi was killed in a shootout with police a few minutes ago:

 WATERTOWN, Mass. —One suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings was killed early Friday morning, while the second suspect was being sought following an attack on police officers in Watertown that involved explosives and gunfire, Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis said in a Twitter post.

The man known as suspect 2, the man wearing the white hat, is the suspect being sought, Davis said. Sources called the situation "fluid and dangerous."

State police spokesman David Procopio said, "The incident in Watertown did involve what we believe to be explosive devices possibly, potentially, being used against the police officers."

The situation was linked to the fatal shooting of an MIT policer officer late Thursday night, sources told NewsCenter 5.

The scene was located on Laurel and Dexter Street in Watertown. Dozens of police officers and FBI agents were in the neighborhood and a helicopter circled overhead.

A State Police spokesman says an MBTA police officer was wounded in Watertown.

"I can confirm that a Transit Police officer was wounded. He is being treated at this hour at a local hospital," said spokesman Joe Pesaturo.

More as it comes in

UPDATE: The second suspect being sought has been identified as Mike Mulugeta. The Boston Police Scanner is reporting that Mulugeta is dead in a shootout with police. The Boston Globe is reporting him in custody as of 3:50 AM EST.

If in fact they're both dead, this is going to get very interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Except the guy pictured is neither:
