
Wednesday, May 01, 2013

'Think Progress' Lefty Female Blogger Cited By Police For Making Phony Rape Threat To Herself

Meg Lanker-Simons is a well known paid shill for the Soros-funded Think Progress,  as a radio host at the University of Wyoming (UW) and on her own blog, Cognitive Dissonance (no link, I don't want to give her traffic).

Apparently that wasn't enough attention for her, so she decided to manufacture some more by putting up a phony rape threat on a college “crush” Facebook page earlier this week and pretending it came from a 'conservative' :


"“I want to hate f**k Meg Lanker-Simons so hard. That chick that runs her liberal mouth all the time and doesn’t care who knows it,” it read.  “I think its hot and it makes me angry. One night with me and shes gonna be a good Republican bitch.”

Needless to say, Ms. Lanker-Simons got a lot of mileage out of this on her usual outlets.

Unfortunately for her, she took it way too far.

The University of Wyoming Police Department investigated, as they should have. And they ended up issuing a citation to Lanker-Simons for “interference” for “false statements she made to the UW Police Department,” according to a UW statement referred to by Laramie Boomerang Online.

"Subject admitted to making a controversial post on UW Crushes webpage and then lied about not doing it," according to the citation.

The University of Wyoming also said that the police had "obtained substantial evidence verifying that the offending Facebook post came from Lanker-Simons' computer, while the computer was in her possession.”

Below is a picture of Ms. Lanker-Simons :

This is no joke..if Lanker-Simons wasn't fairly stupid and had actually been able to frame someone credible, this could have had life changing consequences for one of her 'enemies'.

If a male student was even suspected of making a threat of this kind, even if there was no conclusive proof, he would have been summarily expelled, with little chance of ever getting into another university in the future.

Even worse, it might affect how seriously campus police investigate  a future rape threat and lead to another innocent woman being attacked.

Lanker-Simons got off with a citation. She should have been tossed out of the university on her ample derrière.

According to her Facebook page, Lanker-Simons is a member of the University of Wyoming Gender & Women's Studies group (of course!) as well as the school’s chapter of The Nonviolent Communist.

To give you an idea of how serious she is about that whole 'non-violence' thing, she was one of the plaintiffs in a successful 2010 lawsuit against the University of Wyoming when they rescinded an invitation to have domestic terrorist Bill Ayers speak on campus.

Of course, being a Leftist means never having to say you're sorry. So naturally, since she was outed as as an attention seeking liar, her supporters have put together a Facebook page entitled “Meg Lanker-Simons is innocent.”

"“Meg Lanker-Simons is innocent we believe what she did was justified and deserves not to be held accountable for her accusations we stand behind you sister”

You see, even if there wasn't an actual rape threat by an Evil know, there should have been. Just because, you know.

(h/t Campus Reform)


  1. shivermetimbers3:31 PM

    You are looking at this completely the wrong way because her comment was really 'fake, but accurate.'

    in their world therefore, it was real. Somewhere out there, a knuckle dragging republican had those feelings...

    That is how they justify it to themselves.

  2. You're probably right..but to be honest, looking at her I can't really see anyone having those kind of feelings towards her,knuckle dragger or otherwise.

  3. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I've seen better looking heads on boils...

  4. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I can't believe she wasn't expelled. What a piece of work.

  5. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Double standard as always for the liberals. Great point in that if someone actually did post that, they would be expelled.

    That poor husband - not only is he probably subservient to her, she's a commie, nut bag and disgusting. I bet she wears tiny bikini's at the beach and thinks guys are into her.
