
Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Major 2nd Amendment win! ILL Overides Dem Gov's Veto To Approve Concealed Carry

Illinois Democrats have been notorious for blocking legislation allowing their citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights and defend themselves.

The most recent example was Democrat Governor Pat Quinn's veto of a bill they approved over a month ago that would allow concealed carry and junk most of the prohibitive laws on owning firearms in Illinois.

Quinn used his veto power to try and forces changes on the law that would have gutted it. In response, The State Senate voted 41-17 in favor of the override Tuesday afternoon after the House voted 77-31, margins that met the three-fifths threshold needed to set aside the Quinn's veto.

Concealed carry is now state law, and the new law permits anyone with a Firearm Owner's Identification card who has passed a background check and undergone gun-safety training of 16 hours — longest of any state — to obtain a concealed-carry permit for $150.

The Illinois State Police have six months to set up a system to start accepting applications. Spokeswoman Monique Bond said police expect 300,000 applications in the first year.

The Illinois legislature's move was prompted by a landmark decision by the Federal 7th Circuit court, who ruled the Second Amendment permits citizens to take guns out of their homes. The court's original June 9 deadline was extended by a month, but if no new law had been passed, Illinois' gun laws would have been null and void with nothing to take their place.

A big win for freedom and the Second Amendment indeed!

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