
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Legalized Gay Marriage To Start in Britain March , 2014

Homosexual marriage will officially become legal in Britain in March of 2014.

The Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat leaderships all backed the proposals.

MPs approved the principle of same-sex marriage despite opposition from many Conservatives, which caused tensions in the party. Most Lib Dem and Labour MPs supported the move.

The Church of England, the Church in Wales and other faith groups stated their opposition.

Following the passing of the Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Act, the government has been able to put in place the necessary arrangements much faster than previously thought.

Equalities Minister Maria Miller (no relation) says that this was t was "just another step in the evolution of marriage", and that she is "working hard" to so that gay couples who want to convert civil partnerships into marriages, and married people wanting to change their legal would be able to do so before the end of 2014.

Unlike here in the US, the law respects religious objections. The terms of the bill specify that religious organizations will have to "opt in" to offer homosexual weddings, with specific language in the law to prevent the Church of England and Church in Wales from doing so.

The Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, the Muslim Council of Great Britain and the Network of Sikh Organizations all publicly oppose gay marriage.

Jewish Liberal and Reform synagogues support it while the United Synagogues Orthodox) opposes it.

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