
Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Senate Blocks Obama's Appointment Of Radical Cop Killer Advocate To Justice Department

Today the senate blocked President Obama’s nominee to lead the Justice Department’s civil rights division, with 7 Democrats joining Republicans.

The nominee, Debo P. Adegbile, was a lawyer for the NAACP who filed a brief arguing that cop killer and former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal’s murder trial was 'racist'.

Mumia Abu Jamal, AKA Wesley Cook murdered police officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981 execution style during a routine traffic stop, according to three eyewitnesses. Two policemen and one hospital security guard testified to the court that while Mumia Abu Jamal was being brought into the hospital following the altercation with Faulkner, he shouted repeatedly, “I shot the mother f---er, and I hope the mother f---er dies.” He was unanimously convicted by a racially mixed jury. Faulkner left behind a wife and three young children.

Of course, Mumia Abu Jamal became a cause  for the Left, with celebrities like Ed Asner,  communists Ossie Davis and Pete Seeger and a host of the usual suspects. The NAACP was quick to move to  defend this killer, and  Adegbile led the charge, making the basis of his 'case' that the jury instructions were unclear and that the trial was 'racist'. Or in other words, he fished for technicalities to get a murderer  freed because of his race, even though there was no doubt that Jamal murdered Daniel Faulkner in the least. Adegbile went beyond mere competent  legal defense and into outright advocacy to try to get Jamal freed.

While Adegbile was unable to quite pull that off, he and the Leftist cheering section involved were able to create enough noise and race based heat  so that Jamal avoided the death penalty and is still incarcerated, a gross miscarriage of justice. It is disgraceful that the president even put his name forward. You can just imagine how he'd behave as one of Eric Holder's sturmbannführers.

Since Majority Leader Harry Reid exercised the nuclear option to essentially destroy the rights of the minority party to filibuster, all sorts of President Obama's radical nominees have been shoved through, including some remarkably unqualified ambassadors whose sole qualification was fundraising for the Obama campaign. So the president obviously expected Adegbile to sail right through.

This one was just a bridge too far, especially with midterms coming up. And it's notable that all of the Democrats who voted against Adegbile - Sens. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania where the murder occurred, Chris Coons of Delaware, Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Mark Pryor of Arkansas and John Walsh of Montana - are all facing tough odds of getting re-elected in 2014, with the exception of Coons, who apparently decided to put right and wrong ahead of politics.

An angry Harry Reid accused the Republicans of racism, naming Robert Wilkins,who's now a judge on the DC Court of Appeals, and FHA Finance Agency Director Mel Watt as Obama nominees who were shoved through under the new Harry Reid diktats that the GOP was opposed to solely because of race.

Yes, when you take a look at their stellar backgrounds, it must have been ra-aa-cism.Right.

After his tantrum, Reid was forced to vote against the nominee in order to be able to ask for an eventual re-vote — which he did.

Oddly enough, there were several Democrat senators who voted to confirm Adegbile that might end up having to pay a politicalprice fo rit this year, including Sens. Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Mark Begich of Alaska, Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, Mark Udall of Colorado, Mark Warner of Virginia, Al Franken of Minnesota and Jeff Merkley of Oregon.

Apparently Reid was leaning pretty hard to try and get this particular radical nominee through for the president.

1 comment:

  1. Harry Reid, what a piece of work, what a waste of skin.

    I suspect there must be quite a bit of political pressure and leverage being applied to the dems you cite that may pay a price, such as access to party reelection funds?
