
Friday, March 14, 2014

The Council has spoken, the votes have been cast, and we have the results  for this week's Watcher's Council match up.

"“Despite a voluminous and often fervent literature on "income distribution," the cold fact is that most income is not distributed: It is earned.”  - Thomas Sowell

  “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery..”
- Sir Winston Churchill

“Political corruption, social greed, and Americanized quasi-socialism can ruin even the most wonderful places. California proved that.” - Tiffany Madison

“GRAPESHOT, n. An argument which the future is preparing in answer to the demands of American Socialism. - Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

This week's winner, The Right Planet's  Bill Maher's Bulls**t   is a wonderfully enjoyable rant on socialists and how they - pardon the expression - think. Here's a slice:

One of the reasons why I don’t post much on the unhinged daily rantings of socialist-loving agitators like Bill Maher, Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, and the like, is I believe their whole schtick is simply an orgy of gluttonous ad hominem, served fresh with platefuls of red herring and non sequitur, for the express purpose of setting up straw man and gotcha arguments, in order to put the accused into an unfavorable light, no matter how they may respond.

It’s a veritable logical fallacy feast, ya’ll!

From my point of view, characters like Bill Maher are just purposefully employing logical fallacies to score points with their socialist-loving and LoFo (low-information) loyal viewers. Unfortunately, in my opinion, it can be quite effective at influencing public opinion at the socio-cultural level, especially with the sheeple … who are exposed to copious amounts of collectivist propaganda–courtesy of the socialized educational system and a sycophantic media. The pitting of one group or individual against the other is a politically motivated and constant theme with the Maherons of the world.

Bill Maher et ilk are the sorts who say, “Don’t look over here at the real problem, look over there, and … oh, by the way, did I tell you the TEA Party is racist?!” I mean, Maher is a comedian, you know. Although I do realize that is up for debate. But I digress, ladies and gentlemen.

That’s why it was good to hear a guy like Bill Kristol, who I have my own issues with from time to time, just come right out and call “bullshit!” Folks like Bill Maher have been trying to smear the TEA Party as racist since day one. One must ask themselves why the Maherons of the world are so desperate to create something that just isn’t there. Could it be that they cannot not debate the merits of the argument concerning the destructive collectivist policies of a one Barack Obama and his minions–policies they wholeheartedly support?

This “TEA Party is racist” lie the socialists keep pushing goes all the way back to the run-up on the vote for the Healthcare bill–when former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, with her giant gavel in tow, arrogantly marched arm-in-arm with her Democrat comrades into a crowd of mostly white TEA Party supporters–an obvious attempt at goading the crowd. Why else would a group of congressional Democrats march arm-in-arm sporting a giant gavel amongst a group of people protesting their draconian healthcare legislation if it was not to illicit some sort of negative reaction or hostile response?

Much more at the link..

In our non-Council category, the winner was Zombie with Progressive Racism: The Hidden Motive Driving Modern Politics submitted by The Razor. Unlike a lot of Zombie's stuff, this one isn't the usual photo-journalism but a must read look at a force in modern politics I bet you haven't considered.

OK, here are this week’s full results. Simply Jews is on vacay and voted, but only for Council posts since he was having too much fun to get to our non-Council nominees. Rhymes With Right was unable to vote, but was not affected by the 2/3 vote penalty.:

Council Winners

Non-Council Winners

See you next week! Don't forget to tune in on Monday AM for this week's Watcher's Forum, as the Council and their invited special guests take apart one of the provocative issues of the day with short takes and weigh in...don't you dare miss it. And don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.....'cause we're cool like that!

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