
Thursday, April 10, 2014

BDS Fail At Cornell: Attempted Stealth Anti-Israel Resolution Voted Down

The 'anti-Zioniusts' at Cornell thought they had a pretty clever ace up their sleeves. Terrorist groupies Students For Justice in Palestine put together a Divestment Resolution and slyly inserted it into the calender of the Student Assembly for a vote at 4:30 Pm local time, when many of Cornell's Jewish students would be expected to be leaving campus to celebrate the Passover holidays with their families.

If the initial Resolution passed, it would mean that the substantive vote would take place the following Thursday, in the middle of the Passover holidays.

Unfortunately for SJP, the pro-Israel students rallied with surprising speed, undoubtedly aided by Professor A. Jacobson, a clinical professor of law at Cornell Law School who outed this outrageous attempt at stealth BDS and who also broke the story on his fine blog, In.sur.rect.ion.

The end result? The Cornell University student government voted as follows: 15 in favor of indefinitely tabling the Resolution, eight against tabling the Resolution and one abstention.

My pal Lori Lowenthal Marcus has the story in the Jewish Press:

“I’m very proud of the way the pro-Israel students were able to mobilize so quickly. Now they all can enjoy their Passover holiday,” Jacobson told The Jewish Press by email.{...}

Because the Passover holiday begins on Monday, most Jewish students ordinarily would leave for home during the day on Thursday. If the initial Resolution passed, it would mean that the substantive vote would take place the following Thursday, smack in the middle of the Passover holiday.

That cheap and dirty strategic trick, as Jacobson noted in his blog post describing it, was “reminiscent of the exploitation of the Yom Kippur Jewish holiday in 1973 to launch an attack on Israel.”

And just as effective. They lost. By a lot.

Yes, they did.

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