
Friday, May 02, 2014

The Council Has Spoken!! This Weeks' Watcher's Council Results

The Council has spoken, the votes have been cast, and the results are in for this week's Watcher's Council match up.

 “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” ― Søren Kierkegaard

“Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.” - Lord George Gordon Byron

“They stole land in Palestine. And this Synagogue of Satan knows that the end of their time of rule is up. The jig is up.” - Louis Farrakhan, Speech at Mosque Maryam, Chicago, 10/3/10

If you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. - The Book of Esther, 4-14

This week's winning entry, Bookworm Room's The need for loud, swift action in response to John Kerry's libelous statements about Israel is a stirring response to some particularly bigoted remarks on Israel that seem to be all the fashion in the Obama White House. Here's a slice:

 Today is Yom Hashoah — Holocaust Remembrance Day — a day on which Jews and all civilized people around the globe commemorate the 6 million who died at the hands of virulent anti-semites. Israel takes this day very seriously.

 For those unclear on the whole Israel concept (Obama, Kerry, and State Department, I’m speaking to you), Israel is the only liberal democracy within the Middle East. It’s the only nation in that region that allows all people to worship freely, that accords full rights to women, and that protects all minorities, including sexual and racial minorities, from discrimination, even while extending to them the full panoply of available civil rights. When its neighbors kicked out around 1,000,000 Jews in the years after 1948 in order to make their nations judenrein, Israel took in every single one of those refugees (distinguishing itself from the surrounding Arab nations who refused to take in the tens of thousands of Arabs who fled Israel after the UN recognized its statehood).

Showing what a crude bastard he is (which is separate from his being a stupid, malevolent, narcissistic gold digger), John Kerry chose Yom Hashoah as the day on which to announce that Israel is on the verge of becoming an apartheid state. This is is the same John Kerry, of course, who has been repeatedly stating that it’s all Israel’s fault that his misbegotten peace talks failed, never mind the fact that Palestinians demanded concessions before negotiations began, refused to give up anything, refused to negotiate, continued to celebrate mass murderers, and recently allied themselves with a terrorist group.

This is also the same John Kerry who appears incapable of realizing that the only reason that the Palestinian territories, Gaza, and the surrounding Arab nations aren’t apartheid nations is because they skipped the whole “discriminating against minorities” part.  Instead, they simply slaughtered or expelled their Jews and are now working towards the same end with their Christians.

John Kerry has gone from being merely a pathetic buffoon to becoming a grave national embarrassment, at least from the viewpoint of ordinary Americans who value freedom and recognize Israel as a light unto nations, especially situated as it is in the heart of the globe’s darkness. Sadly, the only thing keeping Kerry in office is the fact that the Democrat Party power structure, from the President on down, wholeheartedly (and with increasing openness) agrees with Kerry’s sentiments.

More at the Link

In our non-Council category, the winner was Doug Ross@ Journal with HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS: Administration's Benghazi Lies Were an "Effort to Protect, Re-Elect Obama" submitted by The Watcher. It's a forceful takedown of the hideous deception practiced by the White House to deceive the country about the Benghazi attack.

Here are this week’s full results.

Council Winners

Non-Council Winners

See you next week! Don't forget to tune in on Monday AM for this week's Watcher's Forum, as the Council and their invited guests take apart one of the provocative issues of the day and weigh in...don't you dare miss it. And tune in next week for Council nominations Wednesday morning, a weekly newsmagazine that gives you the very best in blog and web commentary every week,just as we have for over a decade.

And remember... don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us Twitter..'cause we're cool like that!

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