
Monday, September 15, 2014

UK: Jewish Children Barred From Major Retail Store, Told 'No Jews Allowed'

Jewish schoolboys from Yavneh College high school in London were barred from entering the Sports Direct branch in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, on Friday afternoon. Sports Direct is a leading sporting goods retailer in the UK.

 Sports Direct. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

The boys were accosted by a security guard who stopped them from entering, saying 'no Jews, no Jews allowed.'

The boys whom were stopped were all wearing Yavneh College school uniform sweaters. Other boys from the same school who had their sweaters covered were not stopped.

After several parents complained to the store's management (including one, David Rosen who is a lawyer)the store's management promptly apologized:

Professor Rosen, the former head of the Yavneh Association committee, later added: “The matter has been taken extremely seriously by Sports Direct at the highest managerial level. The area manager, in the first instance, acted swiftly to remove the security guard for the offensive remarks, who in turn, no longer works for the security company.

“Simon Bentley, the senior independent director at Sports Direct, contacted me, and having thoroughly investigated the matter, apologised.

“Sports Direct have confirmed to me that the actions of this guard were entirely contrary to their policies and that Jews are welcome as are all customers, whatever their religious denomination."

A Sports Direct spokesman said: “Our area manager was notified immediately of this incident and took swift action.

"He personally removed the guard and liaised with the security company which employed the individual. We were subsequently advised that he has been let go by that company.

"The guard was deeply offensive and disrespectful to the school children. We take pride in the lack of prejudice amongst our trained staff and will not tolerate discrimination of any kind.”

One thing that is notably missing from this story, and certainly the ultra politically correct UK Jewish Chronicle would never mention it. Anyone want to make a bet that the security guard just happened to be a Pakistani Muslim...or in politically craven BritSpeak, 'an Asian?'

Tell me again how it's all about Israel, and nothing to do with Jew hatred.


  1. Bookdoc6:13 PM

    It's always about the Jews. The pogroms go by Zionism, Israel, occupied territories, etc. but it is always about the Jews. How their people have survived the centuries of persecution and survived even mass murder. They can't be broken and that drives the Jew haters crazy, especially the "Asians" and "youths".

  2. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Maybe the origin of the Security? guard was not mentioned simply because it's obvious? Factually, most REAL Europeans and Brits dont really care about the Jews/Israeli-arab conflict.... the noisy ones are mostly Muslims and some Idiots who dont really understand how they are being used.

    And then there are of-course the politicians who simply sold out Europe, the UK and now even the US for political/power-freak reasons.

    Some day, in the near future, Israel will be the safest place in the "Western World" for anyone not Muslim.

    How weird is the world ,
