
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

'Car Jihad' Against Jews Spreads To Europe

The latest fad in terrorism is the car jihad, an innovation of Hamas/Fatah. The technique's pretty basic. You simply take a car, truck or van, look for a crowd of people waiting for a bus or a train and drive right into them and commit vehicular homicide.

It's particularly effective because the assault is camouflaged by all the other cars on the street and the victims are never aware until it's too late. Hamas/Fatah are in love with this technique and promote it by making heroes out of the perpetrators it via social media and kicky little graphics like these:

It was only a matter of time, I suppose, before it spread to Europe.

Today the chief Rabbi of Holland, 65-year-old Binyamin Jacobs, was nearly murdered by a couple of car jihadis in broad daylight:

The incident occurred when Rabbi Jacobs exited his vehicle at a gas station to fill up.

The Rabbi said that he was being watched by two youths “of Mediterranean extraction,” with one returning to his own vehicle when Rabbi Jacobs began filling up his vehicle. Suddenly, the youth sped up, aiming directly for the rabbi – and fortunately, he was able to jump back into his vehicle to avoid being hit. The two youths burst out laughing and drove away, he said.

“I don't know if their intention was to scare me or G-d forbid worse. But thank G-d I was saved,” he said.

Rabbi Jacobs immediately contacted police, who opened an investigation. Police said they hoped to be able to catch the culprits.

Even though they weren't able to hit him,I'm certain the jihadis found the spectacle of an elderly Jew running for his life highly amusing.

For Rabbi Jacobs, a man who has lived in Holland his entire life and who last year became the first Rabbi to receive the Order of Orange-Nassau from the Netherland's Queen Beatrix for his interfaith and charitable activities, this was unfortunately not a unique experience.This is the sixth time either he or his residence have been the target of attacks.

After attack #5, which involved bricks hurled through the windows of his home, the Rabbi shocked Dutch society when he told local media that if not for his obligations to the communities he serves, he would leave because of the anti-Semitism problem. The Chabad rabbi said he tries not to walk near schools in his middle-class neighborhood and elsewhere in Holland because he doesn’t want to be cursed at by the children.

“No one will tell us when to leave Holland,” Jacobs said. “I’m staying here because it’s my shlichut, or mission. But would we stay here if we were private people? I don’t think so.”

Six of the rabbi's eight children have already left the Netherlands.

Don't be surprised to see more of the car jihad in Europe. Or to see it occur in America.

It isn't about Israel or 'anti-Zionism.'

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