
Monday, November 17, 2014

#Ferguson Verdict Expected This Week, As Obama Greenlights Rioting

The Grand Jury decision on the Michael Brown shooting is expected this week, and the FBI has issued a statement warning law enforcement nationwide to be prepared, because that the decision “will likely” lead to rioting and attacks on police officers or federal agents.

Actually, I think the decision has been known for some time, which explains the selective leaks. And the FBI is simply signalling that the odds are that Officer Darren Wilson is not going to be indicted. Anyone who has been following the case knows why by now - you simply don't violently attack a police officer, try to take his gun away and start rushing towards him when he's told you to freeze without some heavy consequences.

If Wilson isn't indicted and there is no trial, the Ferguson Police Department will probably force the police chief to fire him, perhaps with a hidden cash buyout as an incentive. That won't stop the expected frolic of looting and rioting, but it will at least remove Wilson as a flashpoint, and probably save his life - especially since groups associated with the protestors have put a bounty of $5,000 on Wilson's life and $1,000 for any family members.

The police aren't the only ones prepared. The Justice for Mike Brown Ferguson protest group has put out a list of targets to attack if they're denied the lynching of Darren Wilson.

The list ( h/t Gateway Pundit)  of 'potential action locations' includes both people and buildings, including hospitals, markets ( including the Quick Trip, where Brown committed a strong arm robbery shortly before his confrontation with Officer Wilson), cultural sites like museums and concert halls, malls, utility companies, and  corporate headquarters. I've emphasized a few of them:

  • Robert McCulloch’s office
  • St. Louis County Justice Center
  • Stephanie Karr’s office
  • Olin Corporation Headquarters
  • Judge Maura McShane’s courtroom
  • St. Louis County Police Department
  • Governor Nixon’s Office (Wainwright Building)
  • Clayton School District Office
  • Department of Justice
  • Dean Plocher’s office
  • Ronald Brockmeyer’s office
  • Dan Boyle’s office
  • Thomas Flach’s office
  • Regal III Market
  • Canfield Green Apartments
  • Ferguson Police Department & Jail
  • West Florissant Quick Trip
  • Missouri Botanical Gradens
  • Powell Symphony Hall
  • Monsanto Headquarters
  • Peabody Energy Headquarters
  • Anheuser-Busch Headquarters
  • Emerson Electric Headquarters
  • Steve Stenger’s lawfirm
  • St. Louis Art Museum
  • Gateway Arch
  • Peabody Opera House
  • Ritz Carlton
  • Lambert International Airport
  • Mayor Slay
  • Boeing
  • St. Louis City Police Department
  • St. Louis Galleria
  • Plaza Frontenac
  • Six Stars Market
  • Colonel Jon Belmar
  • Senator Roy Blunt
  • Senator Claire McCaskill
  • St. Louis City Justice Center
  • St. Ann Police Department & Jail
  • Clayton City Hall
  • GCI Security, Inc.
  • St. Louis County Council
  • Clayton Police Department & Jail
  • Ferguson City Hall
  • Lacy Clay’s Office
  • Donors
  • Husch Blackwell LLP
  • Martin Insurance Group LLC
  • Stone, Leyton & Gershman
  • University Square Company
  • Stone & Alter Real Estate
  • Carey & Danis LLC
  • The Law Firm of Thomas C Antoniou LLC
  • Hammond & Shinners Law Firm
  • Collinsville Acquisitions Inc
  • Thompson Coburn
  • Commercial Bank
  • Sanctuaries
  • Greater St. Mark Family Church
  • Veterans for Peace Office
  • St. John’s Episcopal Church
  • Hospitals
  • St. Louis University Hospital
  • SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center
  • SSM St. Mary’s Health Center
  • Barnes Jewish Hospital
  • St. Alexius Hospital
  • Kindred Hospital
  • Southwest Medical Center

Many of these people and places have nothing to do with the Mike Brown shooting. Why a mall would be targeted, for instance, I'll leave to your imagination.

And our president? Just like he has during this entire affair, he is encouraging the violence and essentially giving it a seal of approval, whether he meant to or not.

As Al Sharpton told the New York Times, the president met personally with the leaders of the Ferguson protestors in a meeting on November 5th that was not on his schedule and was obviously supposed to be secret, except for the mistake that was made in inviting Sharpton.

These were the same people who made a formal demand of '19 rules of engagement', including calling for the police to avoid riot gear, to tolerate what was termed as 'minor law breaking,' to not use traditional tactics used to curb riots like arresting perceived leaders or whole groups, and to allow safe houses the police were not to be allowed to enter.

The president's message? According to Al Sharpton, he told them to 'stay the course' on the street protests and then added a remark to the effect that he hoped they were taking steps to 'keep the peace.'

Note that he didn't demand they keep the peace no matter what. He simply hoped they would, with the clear implication that if they didn't, well, stuff happens.

I'll give the president the benefit of the doubt, but whether he realized it or not by saying what he did he put the seal of approval on 'acting out' when the verdict is announced.

You doubt that? Than why are the malls and markets being targeted? Because the looting and rioting are being used as a tool.

One of the protest organizers who goes by the nom de guerre Rockit Ali put it very very plainly.

'Rioting and looting are the tools of those without a voice. The rioting and looting, while I didn't participate in it, was necessary. Without it we would not be standing here today,' Ali said. 'There is no revolution without violence.'

Or without the media putting a few pictures of 'victims' out there.

Our president should be the first to take major steps to turn down the heat and take a firm stance,telling the protestors in no uncertain terms that he demands they keep the peace. He didn't.

A thought occurs to me that if there are massive riots, President Obama might choose that time to announce his executive order on Amnesty for illegal migrants while the country and the medias are distracted.

Don't be surprised if it happens.

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