
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Terrorist Murderer's Death 'Viewed With Alarm' By EU And UN

Palestinian official Ziad Abu Ein, on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 (photo credit: Facebook)

Today marked the death of Zeid Abu Ein, a senior official with the Palestinian Authority. He died of a heart attack at a hospital in Ramallah after being involved in a protest that could more appropriately be called a violent riot in Samaria:

 A border policeman grabs Palestinian official Ziad Abu Ein (L) during a demonstration in the West Bank on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 (photo credit: AFP/ABBAS MOMANI)

Zeid Abu Ein had a history of high blood pressure, coronary illness and diabetes that could very well have been aggravated by his inhaling some tear gas, but he refused medical assistance from an IDF medic and died of cardiac arrest at the hospital.

The Palestinian Authority is claiming he was hit with a rifle butt, and of course the 'international community' is upset.

Fatah leader, Jibril Rajoub, said that the Palestinian Authority would cease all security coordination with Israel.And the Palestinian Authority's unelected dictator President Mahmoud Abbas condemned “the brutal assault that led to the martyrdom” of Abu Ein, calling it “a barbaric act that cannot be tolerated or accepted,” According to the Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.

Meanwhile the Eu and UN were also 'dismayed' at the incident. EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini called for an immediate, independent investigation into Ziad Abu Ein’s death, adding that reports of excessive use of force by Israeli forces were “extremely worrying.”

And Robert Serry, the reflexively anti-Israel United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process also weighed in on how distressing this was, and called for a full investigation.

So who was this 'martyr' Ziad Abu Ein that has the Arabs whom identify themselves as Palestinians in a frenzy and the Europeans so dismayed? He was a terrorist murderer.

The two young men pictured above are 16-year old Boaz Lahav HY"D (May God Avenge his blood), and on your left, 14-year old David Lankry HY"D. They died in the bombing of  a Tiberias marketplace where thirty other people were badly injured in 1979,in an 'operation' carried out by Ziad Abu Ein, among his other accomplishments in the field..

Abu Ein was so dirty that he became one of the few Palestinian terrorist ever extradited by the U.S to Israel in 1981. He was tried, convicted and tossed in jail where he belonged but was unfortunately one of the ones released in the 1985 prisoners swap for three IDF soldiers captured in Lebanon.

This is whom the EU is so concerned about.  If they had any moral character at all, they'd be wondering about why they're still funding people whom consider him a hero and martyr.

Israel doesn't have capital punishment,  which is a pity since as far as I'm concerned, Ziad Abu Ein would have been a prime candidate for the rope. But  he died today of a a heart attack, struggling for breath..proof that justice triumphs.

UPDATE: A British reporter,  Sky News broadcaster and Middle East correspondent Tom Rayner reported that an  Israeli medic attempted to treat Abu Ein at the scene of the riot,  but that the Palestinians refused to allow her to do so, picked up Abu Ein and  taking him away in a vehicle. He died at the hospital of a heart attack.

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