
Friday, January 27, 2017

Trump Freezes Obama's $221M Gift To 'Palestine'..What It means

President Trump took quick action to freeze President Obama's $221 million dollar  gift to 'Palestine' courtesy of the American taxpayers.The money was a last minute payout  from President Barack Hussein Obama to Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority in the last hours before President Trump's swearing in on January 20th. Apparently someone leaked this to someone in President Trump's circle, because he was about to act immediately.

Two congress members, Ed Royce of California, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Kay Granger of Texas, who sits on the House Appropriations Committee — had placed holds on it over moves the Palestinian Authority had taken to seek membership in international organizations as well as their incitement to violence against israel. Such holds are usually respected, but President Obama decided not to do so. This would have been added to the $250 million the PA received from the US government.

What happened instead is that newly sworn in President Trump froze the funds.  PA Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah was told by the U.S. State Department  that the funds were subject to an intensive review and that he should  not expected the money in the immediate future.

 Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah speaks during a press conference in the West Bank City of Ramallah, Monday, January 16, 2017 (Flash90)
'Aiyee! No baksheesh? What will the Rais say?'

President Obama giving more more money to Hamas and the kleptocrat dictatorship of Mahmoud Abbas than any previous U.S. President was obviously a case of ideology rather than any attempt at peace. He simply wore a mask for 8 years to try and hide it.Any president actually interested in negotiations for peace would  have  used the money as an incentive to Abbas to negotiate and make meaningful concessions, since unlike the U.S. relationship with Israel, America gets absolutely nothing of value from 'Palestine.'

Instead  Obama gave them everything they wanted and more, including a key abstention at the UN with a resolution Secretary of State John Kerry helped write. And cynically, he gave it to them when it would no longer harm him or his party's nominee politically. His goal was obviously not peace, but Israel's surrender...from day one.


Perhaps President Trump actually showing 'Palestine' that there will be real consequences for their violence, incitement and refusal to negotiate realistically with Israel might just result in peace. We'll see.

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