
Monday, February 13, 2017

Gen. Michael Flynn Resigns As Trump's National Security Advisor

General Michael Flynn has resigned as President Trump's National Security Advisor, after it was learned that the Justice Department informed the White House that it believed he might be subject to blackmail.

The axe fell when Flynn admitted that he had misled Vice President Mike Pence and other senior officials about his communications with Sergei Kislyak, who is Russia's ambassador to the United States. In his resignation letter,Flynn said:

"Unfortunately, because of the fast pace of events, I inadvertently briefed the Vice President Elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian Ambassador. I have sincerely apologized to the President and the Vice President, and they have accepted my apology."

Along with his resignation of course.

What happened is that the FBI had intel that Flynn had discussed sanctions on Russia with Kislyak, but Flynn told administration officials that he hadn't. Pence repeated the misinformation on national television.

While Flynn didn't do anything illegal, this was a bad mistake on his part. But like the soldier he was, he owned up, took the blame and paid the price, a sad end to an honorable career.

To their shame, the Democrats are absolutely ecstatic over this.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee and a Leftist progressive. He said Flynn's resignation was "all but ordained the day he misled the country about his secret talks with the Russian Ambassador."

"In fact, Flynn was always a poor choice for National Security Advisor, a role in which you need to be a consensus builder, and possess sobriety and steady judgment," Schiff said in a statement. "It is certainly no role for someone who plays fast and loose with the truth."

Schiff, of course,has no military, hands on intel or national security experience whatsoever. So of course, he knows all about what's needed in an NSA advisor.

And that's interesting, considering that Rep. Schiff and his fellow Dems were all in for Hillary Clinton, whom we know deliberately endangered national security by putting classified material on an unprotected server to hide her crooked deals and operated her office as Secretary of State  for her own profit like a mega high priced escort service, pay for play.

Flynn made a bad error in judgement and he had to go. And there are stories floating around that he may have been responsible,inadvertently perhaps, for several media leaks. But by comparison with Mrs. Clinton's disgraceful, self serving misdeeds and outright contest.

Retired Army Gen. Keith Kellogg is a longtime trusted policy adviser for Trump. He  has been appointed acting national security adviser, according to a White House statement. Kellogg was the former commander of the 82nd Airborne Division, and he has years of combat, national security and command experience.

He may end up getting the gig permanently.

Another possibility being talked about is retired Navy Vice Adm. Robert Harward, the former deputy commander of U.S. Joint Forces Command. Former CIA head General David Petraeus was apparently also mentioned, but I doubt he gets it because of his own national security problems.

Either Kellogg or Harward would be a good choice, and Kellog will do a great job holding things together until a decision is made.

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