
Thursday, February 02, 2017

Marine Le Pen - "The Anglo-Saxons are Awake! The Continent Is Next!"

Here's a wonderfully fiery speech by French politician Marine Le Pen of the Front National, speaking to a gathering of anti-EU populist parties in Koblenz, Germany a few days ago. And yes, The Donald gets a couple of mentions, as she cites President Trump and the UK's Theresa May as harbingers of a new age in Europe. That's exactly what Marine Le Pen means when she says that "The Anglo-Saxons are Awake! The Continent Is Next!"

Madame Le Pen currently ahead in the polls for the coming French presidential elections, as much of a shock to the EU establishment as Trump's ascendancy shocked the Left in America. This is the brave woman who will save France.

Like her Dutch and German counterparts Geert Wilders and Frauke Petry, Marine Le Pen is a voice for freedom in Europe. If you haven;t heard her speak before, you're in for a treat. Well worth the detour.

Bien dit, Marine! Vers le bas avec l'UE et vive la liberté!

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