
Thursday, February 09, 2017

Parliament Votes Theresa May The Power to Execute Brexit

Today may end up being a landmark day in Britain's history. The Leftists, EUphiles and globalists did their very best to slow things down with amendments requiring compliance before Brexit could be implemented, but every one of them was solidly voted down by Parliament and PM Theresa May now has the power to execute Brexit,and the authority and a clear path to take Britain out of the EU:

Nine proposals in all, ranging from the rights of EU migrants to the opinions of the Gibraltar Government, were put to the vote, and one by one all nine proposals were thrown out by MPs.
It was a flawless night for Theresa May, as the EU (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill was passed by 494 votes to 122 in its original, unamended form.

Eurosceptic MPs could barely contain their excitement, with one minister saying as he went to vote: "I am about to have the best moment of my life since my wedding night."

(I'll resist the temptation to make the obvious joke here...)

Another unintentionally funny moment occurred when Scottish National Party MPs starting singing the EU anthem, Beethoven's 'Ode To Joy' form his 9th Symphony. That got them rebuked by Lindsay Hoyle, the Deputy Speaker. They deserved it, I'm sure. The singing must have been absolutely awful...imagine Scots trying to sing German lyrics with that accent!

In any event, Britain is now on track to exit the EU. PM May will allow Parliament to vote on her final proposal before submitting it to the EU, but the path is now clear for an expedited Brexit.

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