
Monday, February 27, 2017

Trump Scores At CPAC With A Rousing Speech

Donald Trump visited CPAC this year, and gave a speech that told the CPAC members and America exactly where things are heading. It's definitely worth listening to.

He had a few things to say about the press, emphasizing that there were many honest and hardworking reporters, that he wasn't at war with the press but with fake news...and as we know, there's been a lot of that lately.

A poll conducted by The Washington Times at the conference after the speech found that 86 percent of respondents “strongly or somewhat approve” of the job that Donald Trump is doing as president, compared to just 12 percent who somewhat or strongly disapprove of his work so far. Two percent were unsure.

Admittedly, not the toughest audience he's ever faced but still impressive.

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