
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Must See Video: Roger Stone Gives An Amazing Speech On Tour With Milo


I've heard Roger Stone a few times on talk radio and never quite made up my mind what I think of him. Is he simply a bomb thrower, or is he just way ahead of the crowd? And then for the first time, I heard him speak. Here he is on tour with Milo Yiannopoulos, giving an amazing speech that is fascinating in its clarity and insight into the state of our beloved republic, and I agree with 90% of it.

Like Steve Bannon, a man I have infinite respect for, Roger Stone sees this as a war, even perhaps a generational struggle to preserve our freedom and our country. It's a view I've expressed myself may times on these pages. It is what it is, after all.

Warning: Some of Roger Stone's language is a bit salty and NSFW, but shouldn't really offend any adult who's not looking for something to be offended about.

Roger Stone unleashed and on of the best twenty-five minutes you'll spend this week, I assure you.

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