
Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Trump Nukes The Iran Deal!!!

It’s about time. The Iran Deal has to be one of the most maliciously stupid foreign policy moves in American history.The president’s move was not unexpected by yours truly.
President Trump was quite clear that this was a one sided deal, and as we’ve recently learned, not one Iran was following anyway. The president said that he would re-impose all of the sanctions on Iran that had been lifted under the 2015 deal by Obama, not just the ones facing an immediate deadline. And President Trump also signaled clearly that he is dropping the big one as far as sanctions go …heavy sanctions on Iran’s central bank in a move that would seriously effect all those juicy trade deals the EUrines made with the ayatollahs as well as Iran’s oil exports. Basically, it would mean countries have to make a choice of dealing with Iran or dealing with the US. The EUrines will moan, complain and stamp their feet angrily, but they will eventually have to comply. They simply have too much to lose otherwise.
Iran’s President Rouhani knows exactly what this means, especially given Iran’s already struggling economy. Appearing today in Tehran, he said that Iran will “continue to seek engagement with the world.”
“It is possible that we will face some problems for two or three months, but we will pass through this,” Rouhani said.
What Rouhani fears is regime change by the oppressed Iranian people, and what he  is counting on is that the EU will make some sort of separate deal with Iran that will keep trade relations going. In fact, France’s Macron, the UK’s Theresa May and of course,Germany’s Angela Merkel held a private conference after Trump’s announcement. They all still think they’re dealing with Barack Hussein Obama, apparently. President Trump is more than capable of applying sanctions on any company trading via Iran’s Central Bank and making it stick, and I’m certain that either the president or Secretary Pompeo are going to make that quite clear to the parties concerned.
Our president inherited two major national security problems from his spineless 3 predecessors. He’s already started to clean up North Korea. Iran will be next, although I doubt they’ll be smart enough to do it peacefully, through negotiations. And anyway, why trust the Iranian Regime after the repeated lies we’ve been told? They simply aren’t to be trusted, as they’ve proved over and over again.
Iran deleda est, at least the current regime.

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