
Thursday, November 17, 2022

Why A US War in UKraine is Ridiculous

And Here's why.One our military experts such as Gerneral Milley finally understand why Russia went to was because Russia, who needs the Black see for it's warm water took the Crimia which Russia had held for years. This is no reflection of Russia. For them to give up the Crimia and the Black sea would be etremely damaging. And Putin is no fool.Second is that a large part of Ukraine is inhabiated by Russians The 'Country' itself was only inhabited in 1991 on very light circumstances. It's also worth remembering that Ukraine was an ally of Hitler in WW 2 who enjoyed murdering Jews. At Babi Yar, the Ukraine Blue Police had Jewish men, Women and children murdered after their parents had dugged their own graves. And that is only the beginning. During the Holocost, they murdered,out of a population o 900,000 Jews...almost 70 per cent. Another reason is that America army is reducing, simply because many US soldiers are sick and tired of their officer giving them the same 'whitey is racist lectures nonsense. In short, by siding with Ukraine, we are angering Russia without reason and helping ourself not at all.


  1. B.Poster3:08 PM

    Excellent analysis!! I've been trying to point this out since 2014. Wading into Ukraine was/is the dumbest move a major world power had ever made or perhaps our leadership class is so desperate that they made this move. Regardless I see no reason for my loved ones to die to protect our leadership class in an unwinnable fight against the world's most powerful country.

    Having the US dollar as world reserve currency has allowed the US to punch above it's weight for decades. It should have been recognized at least since 1995 that this situation isn't sustainable and the goal needs to be working to ensure a "soft landing" when the inevitable end to this situation comes about. Actively provoking Russia and China the world's most powerful nations is counterproductive to this.

    This is the main reason I supported former POTUS Trump. He had pur together a very impressive team over many years to work towards ending Cold War 2. Unfortunately he and his team were undermined

  2. I agree...but I'm certain that Joe Biden's disgusting son and his anthems and Biden's own bribery and desire for no one to say anything about it there was partly responsible for our spending numerous amounts of money and supplies in a war we never needed...especially since the Russians had a perfectly good reason for needing territory that mostly contained Russians and their need for Russia's only warm water entry to the Mediterranean

    All good things, Rob Miller
