
Friday, September 30, 2005

Muslim terrorist kill 3 in Thailand

September 30, 2005

Muslim terrorists killed a policeman and two Chinese workers in Yala today. As is typical with the genre, they exploded a bomb and then waited for emergance workers to come to the aid of the wounded before ambushing them.Muslim militants kill 3 in S.Thailand -
(caution, this piece originated with al-Reuters and has stuff like `militants' and `Muslim majority provinces' in it...but the basic facts are there.)

The Thais are made of sterner stuff and after 19 months of jihad inspired violence abetted by Muslim fighters from Aceh and Malaysia, Prime Minister Shinawatra has vowed to chrush the Muslim jihadists who are attempting to put Southern Thailand under Dar Islam and the blessings of Sharia law.J O S H U A P U N D I T: The Thais apparently have had enough...
PM Shinawatra stated unequivically after the torture murder of two Thai policemen that there was going to be one nationality in Thailand, and that anyone in Thailand who didn't want to be a Thai, regardless of religion, could leave. Strong words, and hopefuly backed by action.

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