
Thursday, December 29, 2005

Palestinian Homicide Bomber kills Israeli soldier in Tulkarm bombing

A Palestinian suicide bomber killed an Israeli officer, Lt. Ori Binamo, 21, from Nesher, and injured three soldiers, one seriously, at a provisional roadblock at the exit from Tulkarm Thursday. Our condolences to the families of these brave men.
Jerusalem Post | Breaking News from Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World

Also killed were four Palestinians - including the taxi driver who transported the bomber. Seven Palestinians, including a child, were reportedly wounded, and were taken to Dr. Thabet Thabet Hospital in Tulkarm.

The IDF had intellgence that a suicide bomber was on his way from Tuklkarm to an attack in Israel,possibly in Netanya. When a Palestinian taxi drew up, the Israeli officer asked the passengers to step out. The suicide bomber who was among them detonated his charge in their midst.

Islamic Jihad reportedly claimed `reponsibility' and a Palestinian Authority spokesperson issued a pro forma `condemnation'....while the Palestinian Authority continues to pay bonuses to the families of martyrs and refuses to take any action whatsoever against the terrorists.

In other news,an Israeli was moderately wounded when he was slashed in the neck by a Palestinian as he waited for a bus at Atarot near Jerusalem. Police are hunting the assailant.

Great neighbors and peace partners.

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