
Monday, April 24, 2006

Tears in the sand: The Armenian Genocide

Today, April 24th, is the day the Armenian people commemorate the genocide against their people by the Turks in 1915.

This was the first modern attempt at genocide, and estimates of the death toll range from 900,000 to 1.5 million people. It was planned and ordered at the highest levels of the Turkish government and was carried out by direct executions, by forced relocations into the desert and by deliberate starvation.

The Turks commited this act of barbarism as a means of enforcing dhimmi, second class status on the largest,most progressive and most cohesive non-Muslim group in the Ottoman Empire and removing them from being obstacles in Turkey's imperialist ambitions.

Here's how it was done..and why it's important today.

In 1908, an extreme nationalist movement in Turkey known as the `Young Turks' deposed the Sultan's government in a coup. A triumvirate of extreme Turkish nationalists took complete dictatorial control, Enver Pasha, Jemal Pasha and Mehmed Talat Pasha. They and the Young Turks had a vision of a new Pan-Turkic empire spreading all the way to Turkic speaking parts of Central Asia. Armenians were the only ethnic group in between these two major pockets of Turkish speakers..and the nationalist Turks wanted them out of the way and marginalized.

When the Turks entered World War One on the side of Germany and the Central Powers, the pretext existed for the eradication of the Armenians.

The first step was to disarm the Armenians and make them completely helpless.

In 1915, Turkish leader Enver Pasha ordered that all Armenian troops in the Ottoman armies be disarmed, and assigned to labor camps. Most of the Armenians recruits were either quietly executed or assigned as laborers under conditions that ensured very few survived.

In the Armenian areas of Anatolia, the Ottomans gave orders for all weapons to be collected `for the war effort'. The Armenians complied, and were left helpless.

On April 24th 1915, hundreds of prominent Armenians were murdered in secret in Istanbul after being summoned to a `special conference'.

After that, orders went out across Anatolia and other parts of the empire for for a `temporary relocation'of the Armenians. People were told to only bring what they could carry. The Armenians complied and were "escorted" by Turkish guards in what became death marches.

The death marches led across Anatolia and into the desert, and the Armenians were raped, starved, murdered, and sold into slavery along the way. The local Turks and Arabs were encouraged to take revenge on the helpless people. Hundreds of young Armenian women and children were sold into slavery. The Turkish `guards' provided no protection, and often took the lead in committing these attrocities.

The Armenians who survived eventually ended up in gulags in the Syrian Desert, the Der Zor, where thousands more died of disease, starvation and thirst.

To this day, the Turkish government denies that any of this happened, and there has been no real punishment or reparations for the crimes against the Armenian people.

This had a direct effect on the future.

Adolf Hitler, when one of his aides questioned whether the West would allow the Holocaust he had planned against Europe's Jews responded: "Who remembers the Armenians nowadays?"

Hitler's tactics were strikingly similar, if more efficient and on a larger scale than the Turks...forced `relocations' to what in fact were death camps. The Jews too were told that that these were `temporary relocations' and to bring only what they could carry.

One could easily ask `how many people remember the Holocaust today?' There are plenty that don't remember, or even worse deny that it happened. Just as the Turks deny what happened to the Armenians.

And this denial means it can happen again.

In our modern times, in front of our eyes, genocide is being committed against the helpless people of Darfur and genocide is again threatened against the Jews of Israel. The lessons of the Armenian Genocide reverberate into our own day. They were the first.

The tears in the sand should never be forgotten.


  1. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Dude, you wrote all those words and I could not find one single reference in your article. Even if there was it would probably be a bias source but you don't even have that. That means that you expect people believe in any article that says anything. Tell me the reason why Armenia (????) still is the only country-like community to recognize this fake ideology. If it is as clear and factful as it you say it is (that's why you did not need any references), then why hasn't any other sound countries recognized this issue? Sorry about you and your pathetic claims, good luck in your imaginery world.

  2. Well, you need a reference to know thatthe sun rises in the morning? Should I bother? Well...

    A `bias'(sic) source? Try the chapter on the Armenian Genocide in the prize winning book `Empires in the Sand' by Professor of Meditteranean Studies Ephriam Karsh. There's lots more available.

    And what about all those eyewitness accounts? A million and a half people just `vanished' and they're ALL liars?
    New York Life's multiimillion dollar settlement over claims they never paid on insurance policies to Armenian victims? Just a fantasy?

    You know what? I wish that what happened to the Armenians WAS a fairy tale. But it's all too real.

    Jihad ain't pretty Bubba, even if it is your homies that did it for Allah.

    As for `country-like communities' that recognized what happened, you might start with the allied powers, who mentioned the Genocide specifically when they created Armenia as part of the Treaty of Sevres after WWI. And there are lots of other nations who have officially acknowledged the Genocide besides that.

    Do come back tommorow when I post something on Yom HaShoah, the day the Jewish people memorialize the victims ofthe Holocaust. I'm sure you can come up with a smartass post on how that was a fake as well.

    Don't let me down..and this time, have the guts to use your real name and e-mail.

    BTW, for the record, I'm not Armenian. Just someone who cares about human freedom. And I know a bigot when I smell one.

  3. Anonymous5:40 PM

    I am going to try to locate the source you mentioned and will definitely read it as soon as I can. While I am working on that you can start reading the following sources that contains all relevant legal documents to support their arguments.

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    Ahmet Refik-, Kafkas Yollarında: Hâtıralar ve Tahassüsler, Öncü Kitap, Ankara 1992.

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    TÜZÜN, Nejat-, Tarihimizde Ermeniler, Akdeniz Üniversitesi Atatürk Devrimleri ve İlkeleri Araştırma Merkezi Yayınları, Isparta 1983.

    URAS, Esat-, Tarihte Ermeniler ve Ermeni Meselesi, Ankara 1950, Genişletilmiş 2.Baskı: Belge Yayınları, İstanbul 1987.

    URAS, Esat-, The Armenians in History and the Armenian Question, Documentary Publications, İstanbul 1988.

    VEFA, Ahmet-, Die Wahreit über die Armenier, Ankara 1976.

    VEFA, Ahmet-, Truth About Armenians, Ankara 1975.

    YILDIRIM, Hüsamettin-, Ermeni İddiaları ve Gerçekler, Sistem Ofset Yayınları, Ankara 2000.

    YILDIRIM, Hüsamettin-, Rus-Türk-Ermeni Münasebetleri (1914-1918), KÖK Yayınları, Ankara 1990.

    YURTSEVER, Cezmi-, Ermeni Terörü: Gelişimi ve Analizi, İstanbul 1987.

    Yüzyılımızdaki Ermeni Cinayetleri, Anadolu Basın Birliği Genel Merkezi Yayınları, Ankara 1986.
    There are lots more for you to check out. Tell me when you are done with these ones I'll send you the rest of it.

    One more notice: This has nothing to do with being muslim (to make you feel better, I am not even one). I guess one should REALLY start reading more about a topic before starting to judge a whole nation.

    Looking forward to reading your next article.

  4. Well for one thing `anonymous' I don't read Turkish. And I have a feeling that someone Turkish writing about this in that language might be a tad..uh..self serving.

    I frankly don't care whether you are Muslim, Azeri, Persian etc. or not. If you are saying that the Armenian Genocide never happened, you are simply, foully wrong.

    Too many eyewitness accounts..from German officers serving as liasons with the Turks who tried to intervene and the American Ambassador among others.

    You are likewise also wrong (and bigoted) in implying that Armenia has no right to exist, as you imply in your article...all those 'question marks'.

    I make no pretentions to judging an entire nation..except for the fact that the Turkish government continues to deny what they did to this day. And that is EVIl.

    I'd also LOVE to know what happened to the 1.5 million Armenians who disappeared. They all run off to outer space together? Evaporate?

    Nice try, no sale.

    Next time, as I said, have the courage to include your real name and e-mail.

  5. Hey Anon, come on over to What Would Charles Martel Do? if you really want to fight someone on this issue. Yes, it really happened. You think that diasporic people of Armenian, Assyrian, Ionian, or Pontic heritage just suddenly appeared as asylum seekers from out of nowhere? Try Googling the site "The Turkish Crime of Our Century" or check out the "Defixiones" section at Or like I say, my site, or Thea Halo's book written with her mother Sano about the death march her family ended up on.

    The Young Turks talked many Kurds into doing a lot of the work for them in the East of the country, in return for the land of those driven out and murdered. Many older Kurds have been interviewed on this subject and have admitted to everything.

    Thanks JoshuaPundit, I had stopped over here to thank you for mentioning my blog, but that anonymous genocide denier got me worked up, obviously! But great work here, keep it up.

  6. Thank you, PG.

    I went to school in Montebello, California,home to a sizeable community of Armenians who emigrated there at the time of the original genocide/diaspora.

    I heard stories about what happened from the source...some of my friends' grandparents who experienced this first hand.

    One thing I was surprised at but shouldn't have been. I'm aware that soem people have made a great deal of money and notoriety denying the Holocaust, but I didn't realize there was such was such a large amount of denial literature for the Armenian Genocide..all written in Turkish (and probably Farsi and Arabic) of course!

    Thanks for coming by...I meant to link to your site.Haven't gotten to it
    yet, but I will, as it's excellent.

  7. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Now looks like you made some friends. Sad thing is that you just want to believe so much in this lie that you do not even want to see if there are any non-turkish sources in that list. But anyway, I will try to enlighten you a little bit more. I hope you and your friends will at least read what I write here and try to be just a little bit more objective. Here are some quotes with the appropriate resources that you may be interested in:
    " All Turkish children also should be killed as they form a danger to the Armenian nation"

    Hamparsum Boyaciyan, nicknamed "Murad," a former Ottoman parliamentarian who led Armenian guerilla forces, ravaging Turkish villages behind the lines, 1914. Cited from Mikael Varandean, "History of the Dashnaktsutiun." (Alternately known as "History of the A.R.Federation" ["H. H. Dashnaktsutyan Patmutiwn," Paris,1932 and Cairo,1950]. The author [1874-1934] has other works, including "L'Arménie et la Question Arménienne," noted in the library as "Delegation propaganda authenticated by the Armenian delegation at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919"])

    "I killed Muslims by every means possible. Yet it is sometimes a pity to waste bullets for this. The best way is to gather all of these dogs and throw them into wells and then fill the wells with big and heavy stones. as I did. I gathered all of the women, men and children, threw big stones down on top of them. They must never live on this earth."

    A. Lalayan, Revolutsionniy Vostok (Revolutionary East) No: 2-3, Moscow, 1936. (Highly deceptive Armenian activists on the Internet are spreading rumors there is no Lalayan. The above quote has been confirmed. Lalaian was an Armenian Soviet historian and the Dashnag report above was first published in issue 2-3 of the magazine, Revolyutsionniy Vostok and then in issue 2 of Istoricheskie Zapisky, the organ of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of History, The above quote is from a proud Dashnag officer, in the report he wrote from the Beyazit-Vaaram region in 1920, Updated translation:: “I exterminated the Turkish population in Bashar-Gechar without making any exceptions. One sometimes feels the bullets shouldn’t be wasted. So, the most effective way against these dogs is to collect the people who have survived the clashes and dump them in deep holes and crush them under heavy rocks pressed from above, not to let them inhabit this world any longer. So I did accordingly. I collected all the women, men and children and extinguished their lives in the deep holes I dumped them into, crushing them with rocks.”)
    "When we arrived at Zeve, the village couldn't be passed through because of its stench. It was as if the bones in our noses would fall off... There were bodies everywhere. We saw a weird scene on the threshold of one house: they had filled the house with Muslims and burned it, and so many people had been burnt that the fat that had oozed from under the threshold had turned back into the trench in front of the door. That is, it was as if the river of fat had risen and later receded. The fat was still fresh. The entire village had been destroyed and was in this situation. I saw this with my own eyes, and I'll never forget it. We heard that they did the same thing to the Muslims on Carpanak Island. The Armenians told me about the latter; I did not see it for myself.”

    Haci Osman Gemicioglu, an Armenian-Turk (having converted to Islam) who eyewitnessed the 1915 Zeve massacre; as told to Huseyin Celik, during interviews conducted in the late 1970s-early 80s.
    "Only 1,500 Turks remain in Van"

    The Gochnag, an Armenian newspaper published in the United States, May 24,1915 ... in a proud report documenting the slaughter of the Turkish citizenry of Van.
    "Thousands of Armenians from all over the world, flocked to the standards of such famous fighters as Antranik, Kery, Dro, etc. The Armenian volunteer regiments rendered valuable service to the Russian Army in the years of

    Kapriel Serope Papazian, Patriotism Perverted, Boston Baker Press, 1934, pg. 38

    Now my friend believe me there are millions of other quotes I can post here but I will wait. Since you apperantly don't like reading much. When you are done I will send more. By the way many of these sources are Armenian and Non-Turkish. Also here is a list of non-turkish books and articles. Let's see what your respond to this will be.

  8. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Here is your new "Non-Turkish" List, enjoy:

    A Directory of the Armenian Diaspora Personalities and Organisations, published by the Editorial Board of OVENA, Beirut 1980.

    A Qui la Faute? Aux Partis Rev. Arménien, publicationde la Revue Dadjar, Constantinople 1917.

    Amadouni, G., L'Eglise Arménienne et la Catholicite, Venezia 1878.
    "An Eyewitness Report On The Situation in Lebanon", TAR, Vol.29 (1977), s. 183-204.

    Aprahamian, Sima, "A Multitude of Overlapping Identities: A Lebanese Armenian Community in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon", TAR, Vol. 43, Nu. 1/169(Spring 1990), s. 67-83.

    Armenian American Almanac, California 1985.

    Aslan, Kévork, Etudes historiques sur le peuple Arménien, Paris 1909.

    Aspirations et Agissements Révolutionnaires des Comités Arméniens Avant et Après la Proclamation de la Constitution Ottomane, Direcition Générale des Archives d'Etat, Publication de la Direction du Fépartement des Archives Ottomane

    Bedoyan, Hratch, "The Social, Political and Religious Structure of the Armenian Community in Lebanon", TAR, Vol. 32, Nu. 2/216 (June 1979), s.119-130.

    Bekius, R.A., "The Armenian Community in Amsterdamin the 17th and 18th Centruis: Integration and Disintegration", paper presented at the 1st Conference of the Assocition Internationale des Etudés Arméniennes, 30-31 Ağustos 1983.

    Bergland Karabagh: Utopien und Wahrheiten
    Bouldoukian, Meguerditch, "Armenian Business in Lebanon", TAR, Vol. 32, Nu. 2/126 (June 1979), s. 131-133.

    Dadrian, Vahakn N., Ulusal ve Uluslararası Hukuk Sorunu Olarak Jenosid, (Genocide as National and International Problem), Istanbul 1995.

    Der-Karabetian, Aghop H.; "Image and Self-Image of Armenians in Lebanon: A Psychosocial Perspective, "The Armenian Image in History and Literature, Editor: Richard G. Hovannisian, Malibu, California 1981, s. 241-249.

    Feighl, Erich, A Myth of terror, Armenian Extremism: Its Causes and Its Historicak Context, Salzburg 1986.

    Fromkin, David, Barışa Son Veren Barış: Modern Ortadoğu Nasıl Yaratıldı? (1914-1922)

    Ghazarian, Salpi Haroutinian, "Brave New World: Armenians in Transition", Armenian Voice, Sayı:11 (February 1992), s. 12-15.

    Goodsell, Fred Field, "Tarihsel Görünüm", Istanbul 1920, Editor: Clarence Richard Johnsan M.A., s.21-81.

    Granville, Edgar, "La tsarisme en Asia Mineure", RPI, 1917, Türk. tcr., Orhan Arıman, Çarlık Rusyası'nın Türkiye'deki Oyunları,, (Intrigue of Czardom Russia in Turkey) ,Ankara 1967.

    Grousset, René, Historie de L'Armenia des origines a 1071, Paris 1973.

    Gunter, Michael M., "The Armenian Dashnak Party In Crisis", Cross-roads (Nu. 26, 1987), s. 75-88.

    Heyd, W., Histoire du Commerce du Levant au MoyenAge, Paris 1936, Türk, trc., Enver Ziya Karal, Yakın Doğu Ticaret Tarihi, Ankara 1975.

    Histoire des Arméniens, Sous La Direction de Gérard Dédéyan, Editions Privat, 1982.

    Honigman, E., "Urfa", İA, Vol 13., Istanbul 1988, s. 50-57.

    Howorth, Henry H., History of the Mongols from the 9th to the 19th century, Vol.II, London 1876.

    Hyland, Francis P., Armenian Terrorism: The Past, the Present, the Prospects, Oxford 1991.

    Jaeschke, Gotthard, Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı Kronolojisi, (Chronology of Turkish Liberty Struggle), Ankara 1970.

    Jorga, N., Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, V, Türk. trc., B. Sıtkı Baykal, Osmanlı Tarihi, 1774-1912, C.V., Ankara 1948.

    Kévorkian, Raymond H.-Paul B. Paboudjian, Les Arméniens dans L'Empire Ottoman, Paris 1992.

    L'angleterre et les Arméniens(1839-1904), S-Granvenhage, M. Van Der Beek's Hofboekhandel, 1918.

    Lang, David Marshall, Armenia: Cradle of Civilization, Second Edition, London 1978.

    Laurent, J., "Les origines mediévales de la Question Arménienne", REA, tome I, fascicule I, Paris 1920.

    Les Comitée rév Arméniens et La Colonie Arménienne d'Amérique, Constantinople 1918.

    Libaridian, Gerard J., (The Challenge of Statehood, Armenian Political Thinking Since Independence), pub., İletişim, İstanbul 2001.

    Lowry, Heath W., "Nineteenth and Twentieth Centurt Armeniane Terrorism: Threads of Continuety", International Terrorism and the Drug Connection, Ankara 1984, s.71-83.

    Lynch, H.F., Armenia: Travels and Studies, Vol. II, Beriut 1967.

    Marashlian, Levon, "Population Statistics on Ottoman Armenians in the Context of Turkish Historiography", TAR, Nu. 4-160 (1987), s.1-59.

    Mayewski (General), Van, Bitlis Vilayetleri Askeri İstatistiği, Istanbul 1330.

    McCarty, Justin, "Armenian Terrorism: History as Poison and Antidode", International Terrorism and The Drug Connection, Ankara 1984, s.85-94.

    McCarty, Justin, "The Report of Niles and Sutherland an American Investigation of Eastern Anatolia After World War I.", XI. Türk Tarih Kongresi, cilt V, Ankara 1994, s. 1809.

    Mécérian, Jean, Histoire et institutions de I'Eglise Arménienne, Beriut 1965.

    Moltke, Helmuth von, Briefe über Zustande und Begeberheitenin der Turkei aus den Jahren 1835 bis 1839, Berlin 1917,

    Morgan, Jacques de, Histoire Du Peuple Arménien, Paris 1919.

    Nalbandian, Louise, The Armenian Revolutionary Movement: The Development of Armenian Political Parties through the Nineteenth Century, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1967.

    Ormanian, Malachia, The Church of Armenian, trans. by M. Gregory and ed. by T. Poladian, London 1955.

    Ostrogorsky, George, History of Byzantium States, çev., Fikret Işıltan, Ankara 1981.

    The Armenian Weekly, February 11 1984.

    Salmaslian, A., Bibliographie de L'Arménie, Paris 1946.

    Sanjan, Avedis K., The Armenian Communities in Syria under Ottoman Dominion, Cambridge 1965.

    Sarkissian, Karekin, "The Armenian Church in Contemporary Times", Religion In The Middle East, Cambridge University Press, 1969.

    Shaw, Stanford J.-Ezel Kural Shaw, History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey: Reform, Revolution and Republic: The Rise of Modern Turkey, 1808-1975, London 1977.

    Sonyel, Ramsdan Salahi, The Ottoman Armenians, Victims of Great Power Diplomacy, pub., by K. Rustem and Brother, London 1987

    Sykes, M., Through Five Turkish Provinces, London 1900.

    The Armenian Weekly, 9 July, 1983.

    The Armenian California Couries, 28 July 1983.

    The Armenian Image in History and Literature, Editor: Richard G. Hovannisian, Malibu, California 1981. Editor: Richard G. Hovannisian, Malibu, California 1981.

    The Armenian Mirror-Spectator, April 7, 1979.

    The Armenian Weekly, 7 January, 1984; 21 January, 1984; October 1, 1983, December 10, 1983.

    The New York Times, February 22, 1920.

    Toynbee, Arnold J., The Western Question in Greece and Turkey, New York 1970.

    Ussher, Clarence Douglas and Knapp, M. D. Grace, An American Physician in Turkey: A Narrative of Adventures in Peaceand in War, pub., by The Riverside Press Cambridge, Boston 1917.

    Varandian, Mikael, Origins of the Armenian Movement, Vol. 2, Geneva 1913.

    Vartabed, Hrant, L'Empire Ottoman et L'indépendance de L'Eglise Arménienne, Publications du Dadjar, Nu. 2 Constantinople 1917.

    Vassilian, Hamo B.(cd.), The Armenians: A Colossal Bibliographie Guide to Books Published in the English Language, California 1993.

    Weems, A. Samuel, Secrets of a "Christian" terrorist State: Armenia. The Armenia great Deception, pub., by St. John Press, Dallas 2002.

    Yerasimos, Stefanos, Nations and Frontiers,Istanbul 1994.

  9. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Honestly, from what I've read so far it looks like it's more of a Turkish genocide than an Armenian one!!!

    By the way, people used to believe that the earth was flat until somebody (whom I hope you are able to figure out by yourself) came up and proved that it was in fact round so the lesson is: “nothing is as it seems or as other people tell you”. And of course I need reference to know what the hell that round bright thing that rises every morning is coming from??? It might just be my imagination or my false reception. You can’t take anything for granted my friend coz it’s highly likely that you might be proven wrong….

    Good luck with your false propaganda of no basis at all…

  10. Still too gutless to post your real name and e-mail,hmmm?

    Oh well.

    Yup. Those nasty Armenians killed all the Turks...amazing there a Turkey at all today.

    And in spite of the fact they were disarmed by government decree before the `relocation' started!

    Musta been real supermen.

    Keep on believing.

  11. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Bad news.... The anonymous is not just me. Some of those comments above are from some other anonymous people that apparently try to enlighten you as well. But I guess there is not much we can do for someone that tries this hard to not to observe, read, and comprehend. Unfortunately I think I am getting a little sick here working on educating someone like you. I believe there are others that can keep going writing at you until some others will show up with academic ambition.

    One last advise: At least try not to write about the topics that you have no background about. Otherwise you will keep receiving comments (such as the ones above) that will be a little humiliating for yourself.

    If one day you ever decide to open your eyes to the facts not fantasies here is a link that may help you:

    Good luck

  12. Anonymous10:24 PM

    First of all, I was not the anonymous you think I was …Sorry to confuse your already confused mind.

    What kind of a sick thought of yours is this to believe that there is a Turkey today because Armenians were not able to kill all the Turks???? You must be out of your mind…

    The Turkish woman and children who were killed by Armenians were naturally disarmed so it looks like Armenians were one step ahead at the time!

    Nice try...

    “Just another anonymous”

  13. My, my.

    I was aware that there was an `industry', websites and a large body of bogus literature on the Jewish Holocaust..but I had no idea that the same existed for the Armenians!

    Silly of me, I suppose. If a country and/or its nationals or proponents isn't even willing to admit to what happened, naturally they're going to attempt to muddy the waters..especially as there are few if any living survivors left to contradict their nonsense.

    I've noticed the same tendency in deniers of the Nazi Holocaust. But it's not nearly as easy because the Germans kept good records, the technology of film was better and the Germans ultimately admitted it.

    As I've mentioned, the fact that the people choose to hide behind being `anonymous' says a lot.

