
Monday, April 24, 2006

Terrorist bombing in Egyptian least 30 dead.

At least 30 people were killed and over 170 injured in three bombings at Dahab, a Red Sea resort on eastern Sinai coast. According to preliminary investigations, Egyptian officials are reporting that the explosions were caused by devices activated by timers – not suicide bombers.

Most of the casualties were European tourists on Easter break. One explosion at the el-Mashrabiyah Hotel is supposed to have left 17 dead, 150 injured. Two other blasts struck a small resturant and a bridge.

At least 64 people died last July in coordinated bombings at hotels in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, south of Dahab. Bombings in and around the Egyptian Sinai resort of Taba in 2004 killed 34 people, including Israeli tourists.

The attack comes one day after Osama's tape aired on al Jazeera.

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