
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

John Kerry addresses massive crowd in Iowa about why he should have been president (*giggle*)


  1. Anonymous3:42 PM

    that's what he gets for trying to compete with a hezzywood production.

    the media won't show up unless they know it's a hezzywood production.

  2. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I'm not sure he's giving a speech. I think he may be the wedding singer at an outdoor wedding. I'm betting he was crooning something from either Air Supply, or, maybe, Journey. Either way, it's no wonder there is only one person in the photo with a vid cam...

  3. No, was a political rally in Iowa!

    If Kerry WAS doing the wedding singer bit, maybe he's doing gangsta rap...he said his listens to it and `likes it's energy' remember?

    Oh, and did you know he served in Vietnam?

  4. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I forgot that Kerry was big in the gangsta rap. Bet he's happy to hear that they are launching a new investigation into the death of Biggie Smalls. My only concern is that Kerry would bust out in P. Diddy's hit, "Missing you." I'm not sure if he'd be talking about Notorious B.I.G. or all the money supporters sent him when he campaigned on the idea that it's better to support the enemy than the nation who finances the military in which you served. By the way, I'd heard he'd been in Vietnam; unfortunate for us that he was never declared M.I.A.

  5. Kazarrt!

    Nice smackdown, anonymous!

    Actually, as Kerry mentions in every other sentence, he did serve in Vietnam...but of course, he never mentions which SIDE he served with!
